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Hagrid actor Robbie Coltrane defends JK Rowling over his transphobia


  • Robbie Coltrane, who played Hagrid in the “Harry Potter” film series, has defended JK Rowling against charges of transphobia by arguing that his critics “wait to be offended.”
  • “I don’t think what she said was really offensive,” Coltrane said in an interview with The Radio Times. “I don’t know why, but there is a whole generation of people on Twitter hanging around waiting to be offended. They wouldn’t have won the war, right?”
  • Since June, Rowling has been the target of continued allegations of transphobia after posting a series of tweets in which she claimed that “if sex is not real, the lived reality of women around the world is erased.”
  • Visit the Insider home page for more stories.

Robbie Coltrane, who played Hagrid in the “Harry Potter” film series, has defended JK Rowling against charges of transphobia by arguing that his critics “wait to be offended.”

“I don’t think what she said was really offensive,” Coltrane said during an interview with the Radio Times Seen, who was seen by Pink News. “I don’t know why, but there’s a whole generation of people on Twitter hanging around waiting to be offended. They wouldn’t have won the war, right?

He added, “It’s me speaking like a cranky old man, but you just think, ‘Oh, get over yourself. Wise, stand up straight and keep going.'”

Coltrane then went on to say that he didn’t want to talk about the matter anymore “because of all the hate mail and all that – that I don’t need in my day.”


Coltrane as Hagrid in “Harry Potter”.


Since June, JK Rowling has been the target of continued allegations of transphobia after disputing an article that used the term “menstruating”, which tweets thread where she argued that “if sex is not real, the lived reality of women in the world is erased”.

Rowling followed up on these controversial tweets with a lengthy blog post where she expanded on her “gender critical” views. The blog post, however, was quickly criticized by LGBT + advocacy groups and medical professionals for containing scientific inaccuracies and perpetuating harmful beliefs about transgender people.

Earlier this week, it was reported that Rowling’s new novel “Troubled Blood” centers on a cisgender male serial killer who fetishizes women’s clothing – a decades-old transphobic trope – and that in one case in the Rowling’s book, the killer disguises himself as a woman to deceive a female victim.

According to the first review of the new mystery novel from Telegraph critic Jake Kerridge, the moral of the book, which is the latest outing in the crime drama Rowling writes under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, “seems to be: never trust a man in a robe.”

Coltrane, 70, is one of the only “Harry Potter” stars to defend Rowling’s comments with lead actors Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, as well as “Fantastic Beasts” star Eddie Redmayne, condemning them all. his opinions.

Despite all the allegations, Rowling has repeatedly insisted that she is not transphobic.

Read more:

JK Rowling took to Twitter about how transgender activism can hurt women and lesbians. Its so-called “TERF” position is unpopular.

JK Rowling may have created a fictional world where anything was possible, but its reality is much less magical

JK Rowling said there has been an “ explosion ” of young women in transition and in retreat. There is no evidence that this is true.

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