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The Winnipeg actor was generous on and off stage


A respected and versatile performer on the Winnipeg stage, actress-teacher-playwright Nancy Drake passed away at the age of 77 on Wednesday, September 9, leaving the acting community to celebrate one of her great unsung roles: ardent defender of her professional theater colleagues.

According to her family’s obituary, Winnipeg-born Drake won roles in 28 plays at the Royal Manitoba Theater Center and eight at the Prairie Theater Exchange. Drake has also appeared in films such as New in town, opposite Renée Zellweger, and at Guy Maddin’s The saddest music in the world.

But beyond her acting work, the mother of five has been an inspiration, according to Shakespeare in the Ruins art director Rodrigo Beilfuss, who remembers as a student playing Regan at Drake’s. Lear in a 2007 genre-shifting production. King Lear at the University of Winnipeg, headed by Christopher Brauer.

Beilfuss says he was intimidated after seeing Drake – who taught voice and diction in the U of W’s theater and film department from 2004 to 2008 – hold his own against winner Tony Len Cariou in a RMTC production of The dresser in 2005.


Drake (left) and Maggie Nagel at PinterFest play 9 in 2002.



Drake (left) and Maggie Nagel at PinterFest play 9 in 2002.

“She just grabbed your attention so easily when she was on stage,” Beilfuss recalls. “I remember thinking, ‘Wow, he’s a powerful artist.'”

She has also proven to be a generous performer in many ways, says Beilfuss.

“She was so generous, because she worked so hard like Lear on stage, like you do,” he says. “But she was also working really hard behind the scenes, basically becoming this acting coach and stage mom for all of us, giving us all kinds of advice and being super generous in sharing her experience.

“(She) even allowed us to take a few of us home after rehearsals. We had the most amazing conversations driving a few of us home every night, telling stories. on the way home in the dead of winter. His ego never ran the show. ”

Local actor-director Debbie Patterson remembers Drake’s power as Anne Boleyn’s fool in a production of his play, Head.

WAYNE GLOWACKI / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS files</p data-recalc-dims=

Left to Right: Drake, Melanie Whyte and Miriam Smith in Debbie Patterson’s Musical.



Left to Right: Drake, Melanie Whyte and Miriam Smith in Debbie Patterson’s Musical.

“As a character she was brilliant because she had a great sense of humor and she was never afraid to speak the truth to power,” Patterson says, adding that the latter quality applied to Drake outside. from the scene. “She was just fearless.

Actor-teacher-playwright Cairn Moore agrees.

“My favorite thing about Nancy is that she would always stand up for people in the (theater) community,” says Moore. “She would stand up for another actor or director and she would stand behind him no matter what. She didn’t care what it cost. She just did.

“She was just that kind of person,” says Moore. “It could hurt her future and she didn’t care. She was just a force.

“She was a very honest, no-nonsense woman – just pure passion and drive.

“I think she just leaves a big hole in the community,” Patterson says. “His bravery will be truly missed.”

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