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JK Rowling’s New Book Sparks New Dispute Over Transgender Rights | Entertainment


Jk rowling has come under fire again by transgender rights activists, this time for his new detective story, which features a transvestite serial killer.

Released Tuesday, Robert Galbraith’s “Troubled Blood” – the pseudonym of crime writer Rowling – is the fifth installment in the Cormoran Strike series.

A review of A novel in Britain’s Daily Telegraph on Sunday described “the meat of the book” as an investigation into the cold case of a missing doctor who was allegedly the victim of a murderous transvestite.

“One wonders what critics of Rowling’s stance on trans issues will do with a book whose moral seems to be: never trust a man in a robe,” wrote critic Jake Kerridge.

Mermaids, a UK-based charity that supports transgender children and their families, said it was “concerned” about reports that the book features a character posing as an alternate gender in order to carry out attacks.

“It’s a long-standing and somewhat tired trope responsible for demonizing a small group of people just hoping to live their lives with dignity,” a spokesperson said in a statement to CNN.

The spokesperson cited an example from Rowling’s second book in the 2014 “Strike” series – “The Silkworm,” which featured a transgender character as a suspect.

“We are disappointed to learn that the author could propagate the same long-standing and hurtful portrayal of trans women as a threat.

“As a children’s charity, we witness the very real pain felt by young people who once saw Ms. Rowling’s fiction as a place of solace, friendship and escape. The author recently expressed support for the right of trans people to live free from persecution. . His latest book might cause those who still appreciate his books to question that sentiment, “added the Sirens’ statement.

Rowling’s management told CNN they would not comment on the latest controversy.

Paris Lees, transgender rights activist and British Vogue columnist, tweeted Monday: “JK Rowling’s New Book Is About ‘Transvestite Serial Killer’ Meanwhile, in the real world, the number of trans people killed in Brazil has increased by 70% this year, young trans women are left to burn in cars and the men who kill us (to be trans) are pardoned and sent home. “

Comparing Rowling to her own creation of much hated “Harry Potter” character Dolores Umbridge, trans actress and writer Jen Richards said on Twitter that the author has become so “obsessed with her deeply prejudiced perspective that she will spare no effort to remain convinced of her own righteousness, whatever harm she causes”.

Rowling’s comments and opinions on the genre have made headlines several times this year.

Last month, the author said she would present a prestigious human rights award after Kerry Kennedy, president of the Robert F. Kennedy human rights organization, says Rowling’s point of view “Diminishes the identity” of transgender people.

In June, Rowling sparked controversy after deriding a headline about “Men Who Have Their Period.”

“’People who have their period.’ I’m sure there was a word for these people, “she tweeted. “Someone help me. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”

Her comments led the actors who starred in the film adaptations of her books to disagree with her. Among them were Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Eddie Redmayne from the “Harry Potter” film series.

“Trans people are who they claim to be and deserve to live their lives without being constantly questioned or said to be not who they claim to be,” Watson wrote.

Following the reaction, Rowling published an essay on gender identity on her website and explained why she chose to share her opinions.

“All I ask – all I want – is that a similar empathy, a similar understanding, be extended to the millions of women whose only crime is to want their concerns heard without receiving threats and abuse, ”Rowling said.

In her nearly 3,700-word essay, Rowling spoke about how her own experiences influenced her perspective, revealing that she was a survivor of domestic violence and sexual assault.

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