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Airbnb let people stay in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Airs mansion and I really want to book a night


The prince of Bel-AirThe first episode of its aired 30 years ago this month, and to celebrate this milestone, Airbnb is letting people stay overnight in the same mansion used in the popular ’90s sitcom, but only if you reside in Los Angeles County.

Starting September 29, residents will have the chance to spend $ 30 to spend a night in the coolest mansion in Los Angeles County with an extra person. Residents can choose from one of five available dates: October 2, October 5, October 8, October 11, and October 14.

In case you didn’t already know, I was born in the mid-90s, so even though I was very young when the show originally aired, The prince of Bel-Air has been syndicated on a ton of TV channels. There was Awkward dance of the carltons, the butler sarcasm, Geoffrey, and let’s not forget that emotional scene that Will Smith had with uncle Phil talking about his father (someone else is crying looking at him?)

During their stay, guests will have access to a specific wing of the house where Will Smith’s character stayed during the shows, and it smacks of the 1990s in all good ways. The bedroom that guests will stay in includes a wall mounted mini basketball hoop, access to the Wills cabinet on the show (a shirt may look familiar if you remember the intro), and a nice display of hats and Jordans on a shelf.

But see for yourself; the photos really sell me by booking a night (if only I didn’t live in Maryland).

Obviously, you are not locked in the room all day; but you will probably still have a blast. Here’s how the list explains which parts of the mansion you’ll have access to:

It’s your cradle for the night, so feel free to act like you own the place. My mansion wing features my bedroom (great for naps), a full bathroom (great for spitting bars in the shower), a swimming pool (great for dips), an outdoor lounge and dining area (great for eat obviously). And you gotta do it like my guy DJ Jazzy Jeff so don’t forget your sunglasses!

Oh, I didn’t even mention the best part: Will Smith is the host.

This is not the first time that Airbnb has offered me to stay in houses that take me back to my childhood days. In 2019, you could stay at Barbie Malibu Dreamhouse for only $ 60 a night, and later this month, residents of Deschutes County, Oregon got a chance to spend the night in the last remaining Blockbuster video store.

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