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Batman fan poster recreates the iconic comic book cover of The Dark Knight Returns


Batman’s fan art is reminiscent of the 1986 comic book cover The Dark Knight Returns with a Caped Crusader silhouetted against a thunderbolt.

A great poster made by fans for The batman recalls the cover of The return of the dark knight BD. The upcoming movie is set to reboot the Dark Knight once again on the big screen, with Robert Pattinson putting on the hood and Matt Reeves (War for the Planet of the Apes) lead. Production on the film halted in mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic and had just restarted when, earlier this month, Pattinson tested positive for the coronavirus. The actor has since recovered, thankfully, and production, which is 25% complete, has returned to full swing.

Details are still hard to come by regarding the film’s plot. From the scattered glimpses of the Thieves Gallery, we know that Pattinson’s Batman will clash with Zoe Kravitz’s Catwoman, Colin Farrell’s Penguin, and Paul Dano’s Riddler, who appears to be the film’s main villain. The first trailer for the film features the brutal murder of the Mayor of Gotham City by the Riddler, indicating a dark theme in tune with Christopher Nolan’s entries into the Batman movie canon.

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Melbourne, Australia-based artist and art director Nikolai Baslajik, who passes by Kode (@bosslogicon Instagram), created this piece of electric fanart. Combining digital art and graphic design, Baslajik frequently posts inventive and often humorous mockups featuring everything from Fall Guys dressed in Avengers to the character of Norman Reedus from Death Stranding delivering an ever-elusive PS5. This particular piece, titled simply “Vengeance,” was released to celebrate September 19 as Batman Day, an annual promotional event in which DC fans celebrate the Caped Crusader.

The image shows a silhouette Batman leaping across the rooftops of Gotham on a dark, stormy night, lit only by a thunderbolt that appears to shoot through his head. It’s impressive in itself, devoid of color and reminiscent of film noir, but its most intriguing facet is the reminder of The return of the dark knight. The cover of the 1986 comic book miniseries features similar images of Batman halfway through, appearing to be about to stumble upon an enemy with a lightning bolt looming against a dull blue sky. Baslajik’s play shows Batman almost hovering from a distance.

Less of an action star and more of a mysterious force, the Batman in the art of Baslajik fits in with the character’s direction in the upcoming film. The batman will regard the hero as a renowned detective, featuring a more thoughtful and intelligent Dark Knight than we’ve seen before in the DCEU, alongside combative superheroes. Fans like Baslajik are just as eager to see Bruce Wayne on the big screen again, whether he twists his neck or twists his head.

More: The Batman Makes A Major Change To The Batcave

Source: Bosslogic/ Instagram

Key release dates

  • Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)Release Date: Dec 25, 2020
  • The Suicide Squad (2021)Release date: 06 Aug 2021
  • The Batman (2021)Release Date: October 21, 2021
  • Black Adam (2021)Release date: Dec 22, 2021
  • The Flash (2022)Publication: 03 June 2022
  • DC Super Pets (2022)Release Date: May 20, 2022
  • Shazam 2 (2022)Release Date: Nov 04, 2022
  • Aquaman 2 (2022)Release date: 16 Dec 2022

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