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Bollywood News – Schitt’s Creek Sweep, Emmy Succession


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Aden – Yasmine El Tohamy – Ruisseau Schitt, the little Canadian show about a family of fish out of the water, made history at Sunday’s Emmy Awards with a sweep of comedic awards, something even from the greats of television including Frasier and Modern family failed to achieve.

Zendaya became the youngest for her role as a struggling teenager in Euphoria. She is only the second black actress to win the award, following Viola Davis’ breakthrough victory in 2015 for How to escape murder.

“I know this seems like a really weird time to celebrate,” Zendaya said. “But I just want to say that there is hope in young people. I know our TV show doesn’t always feel like a good example of that,” but young people “get the job done.”

Succession, a family power struggle over a media empire, was honored as Best Drama Series, and creator Jesse Armstrong took the opportunity to offer “no thanks,” including to President Donald Trump for what Armstrong called his response “shabby and uncoordinated” to the pandemic.

Succession Star Jeremy Strong won the Dramatic Actor Trophy for his role as a potential heir to the throne.

The virtual ceremony, with a hard-working Jimmy Kimmel as the host, went smoothly despite producers’ concerns that the plan to connect more than 100 nominees remotely could cause problems.

While the rise of streaming services including Disney + and Apple TV + dominates the television landscape, it was HBO, the Emmy mainstay, that stole the show, with winners such as Succession and Watchmen making up for its giant of rewards now gone Game of Thrones. Pop TV, owned by ViacomCBS, and its offbeat comedy have also proven to be unbeatable.

Pop TV rewards Schitt Creek included Best Comedy Series and trophies for its stars, including Catherine O’Hara and father-son Eugene and Daniel Levy.

“It’s absolutely amazing. I think my dad said it better earlier tonight: it’s a dream you don’t want to wake up to, to be honest. What an absolutely amazing way to end our streak,” he said. said Daniel Levy backstage.

The comfortable pansexuality of his character led to scenarios that Levy personally called “cathartic.” In his acceptance speech, he said the sitcom is about “the transformational effects of love and acceptance, and it’s something we need more than ever,” urging people to register and vote to achieve this goal.

Other winners, including Guardians Star Regina King pointed out that the November 3 general election was near. All of the winners accepted their rewards virtually at the pandemic security ceremony, including O’Hara, but she was not alone.

“Although these are the strangest days, may you have as much joy being locked in a room or two with your family as I had with my dear Roses,” said O’Hara from Canada, surrounded. of a room decorated with a mask. wearing co-stars who play the members of the Rose family.

Levy said it was “ironic that the most direct role I’ve ever played landed me an Emmy for a comedy. I’ve had to seriously question what I’ve been doing” for 50 years.

Moments later, her son won the comic writing award for Schitt Creek episode, then shared an achievement award and won the Supporting Actor’s Comedy Trophy. The Supporting Actress Trophy went to her co-star Annie Murphy.
Daniel Levy thanked his father and O’Hara for an extended “master class” in comedy. The show’s sweep has come for its highly acclaimed final season.

References to the coronavirus were part of the ceremony, with essential workers – including a teacher and a UPS delivery man – presenting awards and Jason Sudeikis apparently getting a Covid-19 test on stage.

In a year with a record number of black nominees, 35, there was a noticeable lack of diversity at the start of the show. With Schitt Creek gobbling up comedy awards, which left acclaimed Unsafe and its creator Issa Rae empty-handed.

This was also the case for Ramy Youssef, creator-star of the semi-autobiographical comedy Frame, on the love and religious life of a young American Muslim. Youssef tweeted a video of someone wearing a Haz-Mat costume hugging an Emmy and saying goodbye after Youssef lost the Lost Comedy Actor category.

There were signs of a change with the theater awards, which came in the latter part of the ceremony, and the black actors ultimately won a record nine trophies. But there was a familiar pattern, with actors of color doing outstanding work in limited series but not finding as many opportunities in current shows, with the exception of Zendaya this year.

Guardians is a good example. The graphic novel adaptation, steeped in racial pain, was voted Best Limited Series, and King won the lead actress for her work. She was covered in confetti as she accepted into an armchair, wearing a T-shirt that paid tribute to the shooting victim, Breonna Taylor.

“It’s so weird,” said King, who regained her composure and called on viewers to vote and, behind the scenes, explained why she was wearing the message shirt.
“The cops still have not been held accountable,” she said. “She barely represents decades, hundreds of years of black body violence. Carrying the likeness of Breonna and representing her and her family and the stories we explored, presenting and holding a mirror on Guardians, he deemed it appropriate to represent with Breonna Taylor. ”

His co-star, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, won the Emmy for Best Supporting Actor in a Limited Series. Uzo Aduba won the Counterpart Actress Award for her portrayal of Shirley Chisholm in Ms. America.

Anthony Anderson, nominated for blackish, took the stage to make his disappointment known with vigor, saying the awards should have been “Howard University homecoming Black”.

“It’s not what it should have been. … But the Black stories, the Black performances and Black Lives Matter,” he said, urging Kimmel to scream with him.

Tyler Perry, actor-turned-media mogul and influential influencer of African-American talent, accepted the governor’s award.

Supporting theater awards went to Billy Crudup for The morning show and repeat winner Julia Garner for Ozark.

Last week tonight with John Oliver was once again honored as Best Talk Show Series, with David Letterman announcing the award after being dumped by the side of the road by an annoyed ride-hailing driver.

Oliver joined the ranks of the winners calling on Americans to vote, as did Mark Ruffalo, who won the limited-series actor trophy for I know this to be true.

Kimmel opened the show with a monologue that seemed to be delivered defiantly in front of a crowded and enthusiastic theater – until it was revealed that clips were played from previous Emmy shows.

“Of course I’m here on my own. Of course we don’t have an audience,” he said. “This is not a MAGA rally. It is the Emmys.”

In the cumulative Sunday awards and creative arts events, HBO led with 30 trophies, followed by Netflix with 21, Pop TV with 10, and Disney + and NBC with eight each.

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