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Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt are stars because of the public, the nepotism debate makes no sense


(This story first appeared on on September 21, 2020)

Sanjay mishra

Director Vikram bhatt, who has been in the headlines lately for her comments on actress Kangana Ranaut and drug use in Bollywood, has now expressed his opinion on nepotism in Bollywood.

During one of his recent interviews, Bhatt praised Kanganas’ acting prowess and when asked to work with her in the future, he said if that happened he would end. by being the beating boy because Kangana writes the story and also directs the movies. himself. He also claimed that although drug use is present nationwide, only the Hind film industry is targeted.

Now, in an exclusive interaction with, Bhatt has spoken at length about nepotism in Bollywood. If a dad could have made his son a star, Sunny Deol’s son Karan Deol’s debut film Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas wouldn’t have been a flop. What did Sunny Deol do when the movie didn’t go well? he asked, adding that the film industry has always been an easy target and it is becoming easy for people to raise all kinds of issues through the film industry.

If there is a border conflict or a struggle with Pakistan, our artists are arrested because it raises the loudest voices. When it comes to smoking cigarettes, you don’t close paan bidi shops but cut smoking scenes from movies. If animal rights activists have any problems, they first try to impose restrictions on movies. Nobody cares how the horses are treated in Matheran or the condition of the animals in the villages, he added.

Bhatt further says that a person works hard all their life in order to make things easier for their children. Questioning the double standard of how the prism of nepotism is selectively added only to the film industry, he said: “A son of a politician can be a politician, a son of a businessman can also follow in the footsteps of his father, the son of a cricketer can become a cricketer but an actor’s son cannot be an actor !. I don’t want my children to face the trials and struggles that I have seen. This is the reason why I work hard. ”

He also said that audiences make a person a star, be it an actor or a director.

If the public had not appreciated the performances of Alia bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, they would never have become stars. The public is responsible for making them stars and not their fathers. There were several actors – directors who got an opportunity from their families but the audience didn’t like their work and rejected them. I believe nepotism is an absurd discussion that has been going on for quite some time now, like many other absurd discussions, Bhatt concluded.

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