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SmackDown Recap: Reign Unleashed | FOX Sports


The WWE Universe had to know this was coming. But it didn’t make it easier on Friday night, as Roman Reigns finally unleashed his frustrations with and on Jey Uso.

Here are 3 takeaways from Friday Night SmackDown on September 25, 2020, the last show before this weekend’s Clash of Champions.

1. Family quarrel

If you weren’t already invested in the lineage battle between Jey Uso and Roman Reigns, and we assume that puts you in a microscopic minority, there’s no doubt you’re hooked now.

First up, we received an absolutely epic and must-see video package on Friday describing the history between the two cousins ​​and how their rivalry dates back to their childhood.

Seriously, give her a watch:

Uso then hit the ring to celebrate his family’s lineage and explain his take on Sunday’s Champions Clash, but the real drama unfolded in the show’s final segment.

Reigns came out and was quickly interrupted by his cousin, who had previously called the Universal Champion for a face-to-face chat. Still, The Big Dog was fearless.

He told Uso that if he could, he would give him the title. But that’s not possible, Reigns explained, because Uso doesn’t understand what it means to be a champion. Most importantly, their entire family, including Uso’s wife and children, depend on Reigns.

Uso responded in an extraordinary way, acknowledging that Reigns has always been The Big Dog. People know that when they see Reigns. But when do they see Uso? All they have is a question: which one is it? Jimmy or Jey?

And a universal title victory would change all that.

The argument doesn’t seem to convince Reigns, who is heading backwards. And as Uso climbed the ramp, he made the tragic mistake of turning his back.

From there, the collective heart of the WWE Universe shattered as Reigns beat his own blood.

And Reigns made sure to get his point across.

Maybe Reigns is right. Either way, Sunday at Clash of Champions is going to be a hell of a fight.

2. Descend on a technicality

Speaking of the Universal Championship, Otis is still your Mr. Money In The Bank for now, at least.

The Miz seems to have half the heavy machinery in a tough spot. Either Otis abandons his briefcase or The A-Lister will sue for the assault and humiliation the big man perpetrated on Miz last week. (In case you forgot what happened, here’s a handy reminder.)

This led to a behind-the-scenes showdown this week between Otis, Tucker, Miz, and John Morrison, in which the latter team taunted Otis about Mandy Rose’s trade on Raw and his next mountain of legal debt.

But The Miz should know as well as anyone that you need to read the fine print, which Tucker did, knowing that only Miz’s name is on the lawsuit. This meant that Otis was free to travel to town on Morrison.

Now, maybe it’s just a coincidence that Morrison’s name was omitted from these legal documents. Or maybe The Miz is playing an even bigger game …

3. Let him in

It’s good to have friends in this world and the relationship between Alexa Bliss and The Fiend is getting stronger every day.

Ms Bliss faced Lacey Evans on Friday, things looking fairly normal to begin with. Bliss spoke about her opponent behind the scenes and then was usual in the ring herself before the game.

Then things started to get weird. Right before a commercial break, The Fiend’s laughter echoed through the ThunderDome.

And soon after, the high notes of his music briefly played, sending Bliss into a demonic trance. She leveled Evans before unleashing a series of punches that resulted in a disqualification.

She wasn’t done, however, as Bliss punched Evans with another sister Abigail.

Oh, and she left the ring area just as Reigns and his universal toy The Fiend made their way to the square circle.

All in all, this was another standout episode of SmackDown that saw a preview of Sunday’s Triple Threat Ranking Match between Sami Zayn, Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles, a brief monologue from Women’s Champion Bayley, and much more. on the last stop before Clash of Champions.

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