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Zach Braff and Donald Faison launched a “Scrubs” podcast


Plus a few other entertainment-based podcasts to help you overcome boredom and get you out of isolation.

Your favorite bromance is back! Yeah – Scrubs stars Zach Braff and Donald Faison, who played BFF JD and Turk in medical drama launched their rewatch podcast called False doctors, real friends – the name, of course, referring to the fact that the pair played the show’s doctors, but stayed best friends long after the show ended.

A decade after the show ended (has it really been that long?), The Inseparable Couple revisits their glory years at Sacred Heart Hospital in the original iHeartRadio podcast.

“It’s almost like a comment on DVD,” Braff told EW. “We are going to sit down and talk about funny stories and things we remember behind the scenes.”

Boys will also bring special guests, cast and crew guests on board, including the creator Bill lawrence, as well as answering fan questions.

“We started thinking about doing this for the people who watched the show, the Zach fans and I who wonder what we do and how we do it,” Faison told EW.

“It’s a great place to record and hopefully to enjoy conversations between two best friends.”

You can also expect major chatter, with Braff spilling in the first episode that he was in love with teammate Sarah Chalke, who also played his girlfriend on screen, Elliot.

I was really madly in love with her, “recalls Braff on the podcast

Scrubs aired on NBC from 2001 to 2008, then on ABC from 2009 to 2010. You can watch the first episode in the link below.

For similar entertainment content that goes BTS on your favorite shows and pop culture moments, check out some of the following podcasts.


A must for everything Seinfeld fan, Seincast describes itself as a retrospective on the 180 episodes of Seinfeld to be hosted by two guys who can barely manage their own lives.

Hosted by two guys called Matt and Vinny, Seincast dedicate one podcast per episode, including fun facts and little-known anecdotes, with special guests.

Ramsay Beat

It was not bias or anything, but with 35 years Neighbors on our screens, you will not find a more complete and interesting podcast on the long Australian series than you will find here.

Ramsay Beat takes you behind the scenes to talk to actors and creators, among others, about what promises to be the biggest week in show history.

Charles Manson’s Hollywood

While the true horrific story of Charles Manson and his murderous family is not entertainment per se, the story of the Manson family touring television and film – as in Quentin Tarantinos Once upon a time in Hollywood – this podcast is a super interesting look at the chronology of the atrocious crimes committed by the crime, until their arrest and imprisonment.

Image; NBC

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