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Disney Straps for a Space Mountain Movie


It worked well enough for Pirates of the Caribbean, so Disney will adapt their Space Mountain intellectual property of the big screen, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The interplanetary-themed indoor roller coaster opened at Floridas Walt Disney World in 1975, and variations now exist at five of today’s six Disney theme parks. While it’s big on vibe, it doesn’t exactly have characters or a story, or even picture thumbnails to draw like. The Pirates, unless you count the part where you suddenly find yourself zooming through a light tube and everyone goes ahhhhh!

It’s there that Joby Harold comes in. The English writer-producer, whose previous work includes the screenplay for Guy ritchieof king arthur, exec producing the third John wick film, and direct the Hayden christensen/Jessica alba medical horror movie Awake, was tasked with finding three acts nestled in this legendary electronic ticket trick.

Harold is already employed at Disneys, working on the Obi-Wan Kenobi series with Ewan McGregor for Disney +. He also works in pursuit of the Transformers series for Paramount.

In other theatrical rides, Disney announced in late June that Margot Robbie was developing a Pirates of the Caribbean spin-off with Birds of prey scribe Christina hodson. (This is in addition to this Chernobylof Craig mazin and The Pirates author Ted elliot are preparing a reboot of the previously announced series.)

Space Mountain is, according to, the first roller coaster ride in which passengers rolled, in part, in total darkness. The idea came directly from Walt Disney, during some brainstorming for a redesigned spaceport at Tomorrowland at Disneyland. Florida Space Mountain has a drop of 26 feet, Tokyo’s drop is 17, and California’s drop is just 10 feet. The Paris Space Mountain has been, for a spell, called Space Mountain: From Earth to Moon. He retains a sort of fanciful appearance, Georges Mlis. The newer one from Hong Kong has a hotter, hotter plastic look than the brutal, white one. Logan’s Race– the 1970s originals. Non-Florida rides have sometimes been renamed Hyperspace Mountain to fit a Star wars theme.

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