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Smallville actor Laura Vandervoort really hated her Supergirl wardrobe

Smallville actor Laura Vandervoort really hated her Supergirl wardrobe



Smallville actor Laura Vandervoort, who played Kara Zor-El / Supergirl, says she hated her character’s wardrobe on the popular superhero show.

SmallvilleActor Laura Vandervoort wasn’t the biggest fan of her wardrobe as a Supergirl. The long-running superhero series was a staple of The WB and The CW in the early 2000s. With Tom Welling in the lead role,Smallvilleset itself apart from other comic book properties by focusing on Clark Kent before he became Superman. He also served as a precursor to the Arrowverse, which instead focuses on superheroes when they start using their powers.Smallvilleis even canon in the current CW franchise, as Welling and former co-star Erica Durance reprized their roles as Lois and Clark during last season’s Crisis on Infinite Earths event.

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As Kara Zor-El / Supergirl, Vandervoort appeared in 23 episodes ofSmallville. She played a central role in Season 7, before returning as a guest star in Seasons 8 and 10. As in the comics, Kara is Clark’s cousin and works to adapt to Earth after the destruction. of Krypton. She last appeared inSmallvillepenultimate episode, where she helps Green Arrow before leaving for the future.

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At New York Comic Con this weekend, Vandervoort joined other members of theSmallvillecast to participate in a virtual panel. At one point, moderator Garrett Wang joked about the actor probably wishing he could have worn more clothes as a Supergirl. Vandervoort replied: “Yes please. I asked them to burn the wardrobe when I was done with the show. I personally would have liked to do so.

Laura Vandervoort as Supergirl in Smallville

SureSmallville, Kara de Vandervoort frequently wore tummy tucked tops, often for no particular reason. Fortunately, progress has been made since then, especially with the Arrowverse version ofSuper girl, where Vandervoort played a memorable role in Season 1. In fact, at the startSuper girlKara’s friend, Winn, made her a revealing costume that she quickly rejected. For most of the series, Kara wore a modest skirt look that worked well for fights. However, the series took it a step further with its latest iteration of the costume, swapping the skirt for pants in a move applauded by many.

Vandervoort’s comments on her wardrobe as Supergirl prove just how far television has come in its portrayal of female superheroes. There has been an effort on both the small and the big screen to deexualize these characters by ensuring that their costumes favor function above all else. There is still a long way to go on this front, howeverSuper girlthe efforts of theWonder womanfranchising, for example, shows that things are going in the right direction. Hopefully ifSmallvillewas made today, Vandervoort’s Supergirl would have the more practical wardrobe she deserves.

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Source: New York Comic Con

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