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10 Australian actors who played American superheroes


For over a decade, many beloved iconic superheroes have gone beyond the comics and entered the live-action world of both DC Comics and Marvel, respectively. Whether it’s in ongoing cinematic universes like the DCEU and MCU, or the CW’s ever-growing Arrowvers, franchise, there is an endless supply of beloved comic book heroes that exist on screen today. While many of the characters who have been introduced to TV shows and movies are canonically American, several talented Australian actors have ended up being cast in some of these parts. Some of them even still play these roles today, depending on the start date of their TV show or movie concert.

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Then there is also a couple whose time has come to an end after playing their respective character for a while. For some of them, they ended up playing said character for just one movie or even just one season of a TV show. But they are still remembered for their performances even after they finish wearing their capes and hoods. Whether on the small or the big screen, the respective live-action universe that DC and Marvel are currently producing has seen incredible Australian actors playing American superheroes and these are 10 of them.

ten Eric Bana

As for the Hulk, the iconic raging beast has perhaps had the most actor changes in a few years. While Mark Ruffalo has portrayed him in the MCU for the past two years, Australian actor Eric Bana played Bruce Banner in 2003. Pontoon.

While the movie isn’t exactly the most beloved Marvel movie in the world, it was a decent attempt to bring the Hulk in a cinematic way. But in the early 2000s, studios were still looking to make comic book movies properly and Pontoon was definitely one of those experiences.

9 Ruby rose

Ruby Rose as Kate Kane in Batwoman Season 1

The Arrowverse was finally able to play with the Batman universe by bringing Kate Kane into the franchise as the Batwoman superhero. Ruby Rose ended up landing the role of cousin of Bruce Wayne who undertook his crusade in his absence.

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But Batwoman Season 1 came with a major twist that no viewers were prepared for as Rose announced that she would be leaving the series after just 1 year of playing with her, and although Kate is disappearing for mysterious reasons, a new character will take over. relay.

8 Teagan croft

Titans Season 2 Rachel Roth Raven Tegan Croft

DC Universe became the platform to finally bring the Teen Titans to life in the form of Titans, a gritty reimagining of the beloved franchise. One of the main members of the team is Rachel Roth aka Raven and for her live-action debut, young actress Teagan Croft was chosen to bring the hero to the screen. Over the past two seasons, Raven has gone from battling her powers, facing off against her demonic father, to becoming a member of Titans 2.0. With the arrival of Season 3 next year, only time will tell what lies ahead.

7 Rachel Taylor

Rachael Taylor as Trish Walker in Jessica Jones

With Jessica jones Being one of 4 upcoming Marvel shows on Netflix, the series ended up featuring another beloved comic book heroine. Rachel Taylor played Trish Walker aka Hellcat, although the MCU incarnation has been redesigned for the TV series. In the MCU drama,

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Taylor’s version of Hellcat ended up being both a vigilante and sort of a villain. Initially as Jessica’s best friend, the third and final season saw them go head to head which resulted in Trish being sent to The Raft.

6 Nicole kidman

While Nicole Kidman is no stranger to appearing in DC franchises, the Australian actress finally got the chance to play a superhero in Aquaman like Queen Atlanna. The DCEU version of Atlanna follows her complicated life when she gave birth to Arthur, who became the son of two worlds. Even though she didn’t have a superhero name or fancy costume, Atlanna was a hero in her own right. Whether she comes back or not Aquaman 2 remains to be seen, but I hope it will be.

5 Jessica de gouw

The arrow Season 1 wasted no time introducing the heroes of DC as Helena Bertinelli aka Huntress stepped into the CW drama in the first half of the season. Jessica De Gouw brought Helena to life in the Arrowverse and while her dynamic with Oliver started out well initially, things took a tough turn.

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Huntress eventually became a bit of a villain who had to be redeemed, which only happened when she returned in season two. The heroine has not appeared since then, except to be referenced and mentioned in terms of location.

4 Margot Robbie

As far as Harley Quinn is concerned, this is a DC character whose role has never stopped evolving as she has become more than the Joker’s accomplice / lover. Over the years, Harley has become more of an anti-heroine while also being recognized as a hero in her own right in DC. In the DCEU, it’s a similar approach with Margot Robbie’s portrayal of Harley. Of Suicide Squad at Birds of prey, its role has evolved and will likely continue to do so The suicide squad.

3 Joshua Orpin

Superboy Titans

After being teased in the Season 1 finale, Titans ended up choosing Joshua Orpin as Conner Kent aka Superboy, another iconic member. Being one of the team’s new heroes in season two, Conner’s journey with Project Cadmus was shown as he struggled to come to terms with his place in the world. Since he’s a Superman and Lex Luthor clone, Conner definitely has a complicated family tree to deal with. It remains to be seen whether he will meet his biological fathers in season three.

2 Hugh jackman

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Logan

Among the X-Men who have been on the big screen, Wolverine may be one of the fan favorites and that is in large part thanks to the performance of Hugh Jackman. The Australian actor played the Unleashed Mutant in 9 films between 2000 and 2017. The journey that fans have been able to take with Logan throughout his time on the big screen is still a rare experience as few actors have played a character. as long as Jackman did. . Anyone who plays Wolverine in the MCU will have quite their claws (as opposed to shoes) to fill.

1 Brenton Thwaites

Titans has a lot of Australian actors playing American superheroes and this is the case with Dick Grayson, formerly known as Robin, now operating as Nightwing. While Dick has been in live-action before, Brenton Thwaites is the first actor to ever make the transition from Robin’s Dick to Nightwing. It was his first general arc in Seasons 1 and 2.

The end of Titans Season 2 saw Dick officially don the Nightwing costume, something fans have been waiting to see for years. As he has overcome being stuck in the shadow of Batman, new challenges await Dick in Season 3.

NEXT: MCU: 10 Heroes We Want To See (And Who We Think Should Play Them)

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