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Netflix confirms Bridgerton release date with first look footage


Netflix has confirmed that streaming platforms’ new Bridgerton costume drama will debut on Christmas Day 2020 and has shared new first look footage.

The series, based on romance Julia Quinn novels and produced by Shona Rhimes and created by longtime collaborator Chris Van Dusen, follows the competitive world of high society Regency London.

The new footage gives fans a glimpse of some of the stellar actors, with figures including Reg-Jean Page, Phoebe Dynevor and Derry Girls star Nicola Coughlan all featured in the footage.

Meanwhile, the Shondaland TV Twitter account posted a full picture of Dynevor as Daphne Bridgerton with the caption, here she is! Miss Daphne Bridgerton. Coming soon to a Netflix account near you.

And Page posted a similar image of his character on his own Twitter account, writing, Gracious [crown emoji]s whove not been served yet, I am proud to present to you #MySimon THE DUKE x #BridgertonIsComing And we will be spectacular.

The series follows Daphne Bridgerton (Dynevor), who makes her debut in Regency London’s competitive marriage market and hopes to follow in her parents’ footsteps in finding a match sparked by true love.

But with her older brother ruling out a large number of potential suitors, Daphne soon meets the highly desirable and rebellious Duke of Hastings (Page), the two quickly forming an attraction despite proclaiming that they didn’t want anything from each other. .

The show is described by Netflix as a romantic, outrageous, and quick-witted series that celebrates the timelessness of lasting friendships, families finding their way, and the search for an all-conquering love.

The cast also includes Golda Rosheuvel, Jonathan Bailey, Luke Newton, Luke Thompson, Claudia Jessie, Ruby Barker, Sabrina Bartlett, Ruth Gemmell, Adjoa Andoh, Polly Walker, Bessie Carter and Harriet Cains, while acting legend Julie Andrews plays the role of the voice of Lady Whistledown.

Bridgerton will air on Netflix from December 25, 2020. You can purchase the Bridgerton Books on Amazon. Looking for something else to watch? Check out our guide to the best TV shows on Netflix and the best movies on Netflix, or visit our TV guide

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