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‘The West Wing’ signs big names for When We All Vote reunion special


Much of the interstitial material, promoting the vote and organizing former First Lady Michelle Obama’s vote exit, was aimed at inspiring people to participate in the upcoming election. The conversation also sought to anticipate most of the arguments and counterpoints such an effort might elicit, starting with the frequent denigration by conservatives of celebrities out of touch with politics.

“We understand that some people don’t fully appreciate the benefits of unsolicited advice from actors. We know that,” said Whitford, adding: “The risk of sounding obnoxious is too small a reason to remain silent if we can get it. a. new voter to vote. “

Martin Sheen in "A special west wing offer that benefits when we all vote" on HBO Max.

Beyond the staging of the episode “Hartsfield’s Landing,” a tense stalemate between the United States and China in the third season of the Emmy-winning White House drama, series creator Aaron Sorkin used the acting breaks to show behind-the-scenes moments involving the cast, and about Obama, Bill Clinton, Samuel L. Jackson and Lin-Manuel Miranda. Cast members also stepped out of their character to talk about the importance of voting, including supporting players Marlee Matlin and “The Handmaid’s Tale” star Elisabeth Moss, who co-stared the NBC series in one of his first roles.

‘This is Us’ star Sterling K. Brown, who replaced the late John Spencer as Chief of Staff Leo McGarry, also weighed in on the importance of black voter turnout, while Emily Procter – who portrayed Ainsley Hayes – – read scene descriptions.

'The West Wing' idealism looks even better 20 years after its first Emmy

As well as the chance to see the main actors return to their character – nothing more remarkable than a seemingly ageless, now 80-year-old Martin Sheen as President Bartlet – Sorkin and director Thomas Schlamme enjoyed the theater. Orpheum vacant to bring closer to the experience of watching a play, only with the best view of the house.

This included shooting the performers from behind and revealing rows and rows of empty seats, a poignant reminder of what has been lost on the theater front since the start of the pandemic.

Jackson, in his direct call to the camera for a vote, admitted, “Our politics today fall far short of the romantic ‘West Wing’ view,” but asked why the program’s values ​​should be ” an unattainable television fantasy. “

It is easy to wonder if this sounds naive. But for about an hour, the special “The West Wing” manages to bring the show and its central ideals back to life.

“A West Wing Special to Benefit When We All Vote” is currently airing on HBO Max. Like CNN, the streaming service is a unit of WarnerMedia.

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