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Is Terry Bradshaw a better actor or football player?


Terry Bradshaw is a broadcaster, panelist and commentator; it’s a familiar and welcome sight for NFL fans. At least, that’s how the younger generations mostly think of him. Of course, Bradshaw was an NFL player. But for decades he’s been this jovial presence on morning and late-night talk shows. For older NFL fans, Bradshaw is an undisputed legend.

The quarterback saved some of his best Super Bowl performances, carving his name into NFL history. Yet Bradshaw isn’t limited to a Hall of Fame quarterback or a sports commentator. He also had a run as a comedic actor and still dabbles. So was Bradshaw a better actor or football player?

Why NFL fans shouldn’t forget about Terry Bradshaw’s accomplishments

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First, let’s dive into where Bradshaw made his name: as the legendary Pittsburgh Steelers QB from 1970 to 1983. From About, he was picked first overall thanks to an original draft rule. The Steelers shared their terrible 1-13 record with the Chicago Bears, leaving the first overall pickup to a draw. Fate sent Bradshaw to Pittsburgh.

After a slow start over several shaky seasons, Bradshaw has grown into a formidable QB veteran. He led the Steelers to eight AFC central championships and four Super Bowl wins. the Professional Football Hall of Fame dedicates his greatest achievement: used to becoming the league’s best quarterback every time he played in the biggest NFL game of the year. He threw for 932 yards and 9 touchdowns in his four appearances, winning each. When he retired in 1983, it was an all-time record.

Bradshaw’s adorable run as an actor

Even before Bradshaw had finished in the NFL, he started working in Hollywood. Her chiseled and instantly recognizable face made her an excellent casting choice despite her inexperience. His IMDb The page reveals that every few years he immediately plunges back into that secondary hustle and bustle, appearing in movies and sitcoms as recently as this year’s Last Man Standing cameo. He’s not primarily an actor, of course, but it’s a hobby that doubles as a decent income stream.

The ex-QB’s favorite acting role dates back to the early years of his career. He told that he was absolutely amazed sharing the screen time with Burt Reynolds. His overall favorite actor was William Powell of The Thin Man fame, but Bradshaw’s vibe matched comedic roles so he couldn’t emulate his idol.

The quirky habit that keeps Bradshaw balanced

Sports host Terry Bradshaw
Professional Football Hall of Fame member and sports broadcaster Terry Bradshaw | Bryan Steffy / WireImage

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Bradshaw revealed a lot about his personal life in a heartwarming and fun interview with Weekly US. Among other things, he professes his love for eighties music, which persists to this day – interesting for a player who made his way into the 1970s! Much of the play centers on his life with his wife, Tammy, whom he married in 2014, according to the Post-Gazette.

She brings him coffee and a bowl of oatmeal every day off, for which he is very grateful. But it’s Monday that he really enjoys. He goes into lazy mode, spending all day in bed with his wife watching old movies. You can imagine there are a lot of classics in there, black in particular given his favorite actors. For a guy who spends much of the fall on the road, this is a welcome and deserved respite.

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