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John Legend’s response to Chrissy Teigen’s miscarriage praises his strength


John Legend is known to stand up for his wife and the past week was no exception. After his moving performance of “Never Break” at the Billboard Music Awards, John Legend praised Chrissy Teigen’s ‘strength’ after pregnancy termination in a touching tribute on social networks. On October 1, the couple revealed that they had lost their third baby, a boy they named Jack after Teigen was hospitalized due to heavy bleeding throughout her “difficult” pregnancy.

“It’s for Chrissy,” The legend started his message, the same way as he started his performance of “Never Break” October 14. “I love and cherish you and our family so much. We have experienced the highs and lows together. Seeing you carrying our children has been so touching and humbling. I am in awe of the strength you have shown on it. more. hard times. What a great gift to be able to bring life to the world. We have experienced the miracle, the power and the joy of this gift, and now we have deeply felt its inherent fragility. ”

The caption went on to explain that he wrote the song “because I have faith that as long as we walk this earth, we will hold hands through every tear, through every rise and fall, through every test … Every challenge we have faced has made this promise more powerful, more resilient. Our love will remain. We will never break. ”

He concluded his post by thanking “all who sent us prayers and wishes, flowers, cards, words of comfort and empathy” after sharing the news of their tragic loss. “More than anything, we have heard so many stories of how so many other families have gone through this pain, often suffering in silence. This is a club that no one wants to be a part of, but it is heartwarming to know that ‘they weren’t alone,’ Legend wrote. . “I’m sure Chrissy will have a lot more to say about this when she’s ready. But know that I was grateful and that you were sending love to you and your families.

Legend’s post is the first comment the couple have made on social media since announcing their devastating loss; Teigen shared the news on Instagram alongside several heartbreaking black and white photos of his hospital stay. “We’re shocked and in the kind of deep pain you only hear about, the kind of pain we’ve never felt before,” she wrote. “We were never able to stop the bleeding and give our baby the fluids he needed, despite the bags and bags of blood transfusions. It just wasn’t enough.”

Cookbook author who also shares Luna, 4, and Miles, 2, with Legend, had been open about her third “difficult” pregnancy on social media, explaining that her “weak” placenta was causing excessive bleeding . “To our Jack – I’m so sorry that the first few moments of your life met with so many complications, that we couldn’t give you the house you needed to survive. We will always love you,” a- she writes on Instagram.

Like Legend, Teigen’s post also praised her husband’s support. “We are so grateful for the life we ​​have, for our wonderful babies Luna and Miles, for all the amazing things we have been able to experience,” she concluded on Instagram. “But every day cannot be full of sunshine. In these darkest days, we will cry, we will cry. But we will embrace and love each other harder and move through.”

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