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Sorkin’s ‘Trial of the Chicago 7’ is the right movie for 2020


Sorkins latest brings together an exceptional cast of character characters to tell a crucial yet bizarre moment in the history of the counterculture. The Chicago Seven were an amalgam of political activists from various groups who had participated in the 1968 protests, including student leader Tom Hayden (Eddie Redmayne), radical pacifist David Dellinger (John Carroll Lynch) and lawless Yippies Abbie Hoffman (Sacha Baron Cohen) and Jerry Rubin (Jeremy Strong). Bobby Seale (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II), co-founder of the Black Panther Party, was initially an eighth accused, but his case was ultimately dismissed from the trial. Although many of them barely knew each other, they were accused by the Nixon administration of conspiracy and incitement to riot. They were presented to the public as a backpack of unwanted people, all determined to disrespect authority and their country in their own way.

The Chicago 7 trial moves back and forth in time with practiced ease, gradually revisiting the events of the demonstrations as the trial continues. (Nico Tavernise / Netflix)

Sorkin is, of course, quite adept at audience drama. He made his name by writing A few good men (first the play, then the 1992 film), which presents what could be the most famous cross-examination scene all time. His recent Broadway adaptation of Kill a mockingbird focuses on the rape case that Atticus Finch is fighting in court. But unlike these works, The Chicago 7 trial depicts little concrete legal maneuvering, given both the absurdity of the charges and the publicity-hungry nature of some of the defendants. This is a proceeding where, at one point, Hoffman and Rubin show up dressed in judges’ robes and, when ordered to remove them, reveal police suits underneath; it’s the one where the presiding judge (a deliciously grumpy Frank Langella) was so biased against the defendants that he buried them in hundreds of contempt of court charges.

The Chicago 7 trial is sort of a departure for Sorkin, who often indulges in a misty-eyed idealism for American institutions. I loved West wing as much as the next person, but Sorkin seems to know that now is not the time for the visuals of flags fluttering in the wind on a patriotic trumpet score. Instead, in flashback, Sorkin focuses on grim images such as Chicago cops quietly putting their badges in their pockets before preparing to charge, or blood flying as Haydens’ best friend, Rennie Davis ( Alex Sharp), is pummeled in the head without warning. Sorkin loves flashbacks, and The Chicago 7 trial moves back and forth in time with practiced ease, gradually revisiting the events of the demonstrations as the trial continues.

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