Jon Bon Jovi criticizes the US response to the coronavirus | Entertainment
Jon Bon Jovi has criticized “selfish” Americans who refused to wear masks during the coronavirus pandemic.
Bon Jovi’s leader does not think his home country has “done enough” to tackle the health crisis and thinks it is appalling how wearing masks has become a political issue and has prevented people from think about the greater good.
He said, “I don’t think America and some Americans have done enough.
“I’m sorry to say that there was no scheduled warrant. It was left to each state and then to each municipality within the states.
“It became politicized to wear a mask when it could have been such an easy thing.
“Generations have come before us who have spared their political affiliations for the better of the nation.
“It reminds me of World War II, when Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt saved the world and moms and dads worked on the production line to fight fascism.
“And you tell me my countrymen couldn’t wear a piece of paper on their noses? I’m sorry but it’s selfish in a time when we could have been selfless.”
The 58-year-old rocker – who has children Stephanie, 27, Jesse, 25, Jacob, 18, and Romeo, 16, with his wife Dorothea – admitted he didn’t know what to do when one of her children contracted the virus earlier. this year.
He told The Sun newspaper: “Oh sure, that affected us in a dramatic way. We were in the epicenter here in New York.
“My son Jake had a light form and we were blessed with that. At first we didn’t know how to react because it was very early and we didn’t know the gravity.
“Dorothea and I had to deal with how to isolate her. We also know three people who have died because of it.”
The “Always” hitmaker has tried to derive positive results from the pandemic.
He said: “Of course we need to recognize and respect those who have been seriously ill and those who have lost loved ones or their livelihoods.
“But I got an email from a guy today who said he just had 200 meals with his family … and they still love him! Normally those 200 meals wouldn’t take place. in five years for this traveling salesman.
“So I think a lot of good has come out of the huge reset the world has had to go through. I hope to get through it and there will be a vaccine. We can test it and move on. thing.
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