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Does Spider-Man have what it takes to kill Zombie Mary Jane?


Spider-Man has the unenviable choice of whether or not to kill his zombified partner, Mary Jane, in the latest issue of Marvel Zombies Resurrection.

This article contains spoilers forMarvel Zombies: Resurrection # 3

Peter Parker and Mary Jane go together like zombies and beheading. Or maybe it’s like peanut butter and jelly except Spider ManPeanut Butter is an ax and Mary Janes Jelly is its head, as Spider-Man may have to kill his zombified life partner.

Spider-Man helped Reed and Sue Richards’ children in their quest to find a cure for the infection that turned every superhero – and the remaining human population that hasn’t already turned into food – into zombies . Zombie disease came from the corpse of Galactus, which crashed into earth and is revealed in Marvel Zombies: Resurrection # 3 that the infected can travel through the multiverse through portals in limbo thanks to a zombified Magik. As Spider-Mans’ team of potential zombie slayers / infection healers arrive at the central location of the hives in the underwater city of Atlantis, they are surrounded by a legion of zombie superheroes and none other than the love of Peter Parker’s life.

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Now undead, Mary Jane offers Spider-Man immortality via infection. Creative team Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Leonard Kirk give Peter Parker an unexpected choice: kill MJ or turn into a zombie. The eternal life of a zombie might seem like a romantic notion to Peter, who could spend eternity with his partner. Immortality marred by the grim prospect of killing to eat and watching his daughter devour everyone in sight, but immortality nonetheless.

Peter has spent each issue of this series revisiting his past mistakes through horrific nightmares that unfold at the start of each comic. In his flashbacks, Spider-Man relives the early days of the infection. Most of the heroes fell quickly, and Spider-Man got stuck caring for Valeria and Franklin Richards after their parents’ turn. He couldn’t kill Reed and Sue then, but he certainly wasn’t going to let the kids join the family business of brain-eating. But now faced with the possibility of finally stopping running and living in constant fear, does Spider-man have what it takes to kill?

Spider-Man is one of the most selfless heroes and has often sacrificed himself for the greater good. But there is no better option here; it’s just kill or spin. Spider-Man and Mary Jane were made for each other, but does this love extend into the afterlife? Can Spider-Man endure the remnants of dead flesh as well as the unfortunate choice to become a zombie to be with his love? It seems unlikely that Spider-Man would give up his mortal life to be with MJ while he still has the Richards children to look after. Although it must surely be tempting.

The alternatives to becoming a zombie are not ideal. Spider-Man and his cohorts are surrounded by super powerful undead and are trapped in the sunken city of Atlantis. It is to fight, to flee or to become a feast for the undead demons. The limited series is about to end with the next issue, so the impossible choice of Spider-Mans will likely lead to the story’s conclusion. And in a series filled with dark choices, it makes sense that Spider Man is facing the ultimate.

Next: Spider-Man And Green Goblin Fight As Partners, Not Enemies

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