BBC Studios and Bilibili extend content contract |
![BBC Studios and Bilibili extend content contract | BBC Studios and Bilibili extend content contract |](https://advanced-television.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/WhoTardis-e1577608766514.jpg)
October 19, 2020
BBC Studios and Bilibili, one of China’s largest online entertainment services platforms, jointly announced a new multi-year strategic cooperation agreement to improve content on BBC Studios platforms, taking their existing partnership to a new level by collaborating on productions directed by BBC Studios.
The two sides declare their determination to strengthen their cooperation by ordering new content and jointly developing BBC Studios or Bilibili IP for the Chinese market, potentially including an animation project. The two partners are also exploring the potential for BBC Studios to invest in content produced by Bilibili, bringing the experience of Chinese content to the global stage.
Building on their existing content partnership, this enhanced framework will also see Bilibili become a co-production partner in China for new factual titles from BBC Studios, including the upcoming historic BBC Studios series. The green planetandtheCoupling set.
Bilibili will become a co-production partner in China for new BBC Studios titles, including iconic series The Green Planet, Dynasties II and The Mating Game.
The partnership will also give Bilibili better access to dramas and comedies from BBC Studios. Bilibili to have exclusive China VOD rights to BBC Studios’ new scripted fantasy show The watch. Other scripted content and entertainment shows from BBC Studios will be available on Bilibili, including some of his biggest hits likeTop GearandDoctor Who.
Bilibili will have the exclusive VOD rights in China for BBC Studios’ new fantasy scripted show The Watch.
The two parties will also double scientific outputs. In collaboration with Bilibili, BBC Studios Science Unit will produce a newly commissioned science series, Odyssey into the future,starring respected Chinese author Liu Cixin.
Jon Penn, Executive Vice President of BBC Studios Asia Pacific (APAC), said: China is one of the fastest growing and fastest growing media markets in the world. We are delighted to have forged this long term partnership with Bilibili which will see BBC Studios deepen its involvement in China. This more advanced strategic partnership with Bilibili is an important breakthrough, as it will help us further explore the potential of the content industry in China.
Ding Ke, the new senior vice president and general manager of Greater China, BBC Studios, added: With decades of commitment to China, as well as our roots in creating bold creative content, we know that telling stories Chinese stories is about making local stories. values and resonating with Chinese audiences. The previous cooperation between BBC Studios and Bilibili laid the solid foundation for this strengthened strategic partnership. In addition to transporting British stories to China, this deal will also carry some of China’s rich cultural histories to the rest of the world.
Li Ni, Vice President and COO of Bilibili, said, “We are delighted to deepen our cooperation by entering into a strategic partnership with BBC Studios. Documentary is one of the most popular categories of content among our users. Our continued investment and commitment in this area are paying off: the Bilibilis video library contains more than 3,000 documentaries; we’ve also produced and co-produced hundreds of titles around which we’ve built a unique content ecosystem. BBC Studios not only brings valuable production expertise to the table, but also has strong brand recognition and influence around the world. For the future, we are committed to building on the strengths of both parties to explore more diverse content together. We will collaborate to create high quality productions while bringing more Chinese original content to overseas markets. “
Lisa Opie, Managing Director, BBC Studios UK Production, commented: I am delighted that we are working closely with Bilibili to develop new orders for their platform and to increase our production capabilities in China. Thanks to BBC Studios’ excellent storytelling heritage, production craftsmanship and advanced technology, we can play an important role in developing exciting new stories for Bilibili, which cater to the Chinese market and the rest. of the world.
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