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Stranger Things’ Steve, Dustin, Max and Robin finally reunited in new photos from the Season 4 set


The production of season 4 of STRANGER Things is in full swing with the cast of young characters already gathered on the set.

The popular Netflix show, like most televisions, was forced to take an extended hiatus as the coronavirus pandemic swept the world.

The actors were photographed on set in Atlanta, Georgia


The actors were photographed on set in Atlanta, GeorgiaCredit: BackGrid

However, with new episodes slated to drop next year, the return to business looks normal in photos from the latest filming sessions in Atlanta, Georgia.

Shots see Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin), Sadie Sink (Max), Maya Hawke (Robin) and Joe Keery (Steve) dating a store, armed with supplies.

They dive into a car parked outside, before moving on to bikes later.

The gang dove into a vehicle in front of a convenience store


The gang dove into a vehicle in front of a convenience storeCredit: BackGrid
Robin will be back after being a hit with fans in season 3


Robin will be back after being a hit with fans in season 3Credit: BackGrid

After a costume change, Steve appears to be working in the shop – certainly a more sane look than his Scoops Ahoy sailor suit – and flirting with a girl walking past him on the street.

The photos come after the show released the Season 4 episode titles, sparking a wave of theories from fans.

After previously revealing that the first episode of Season 4 will be titled Chapter One: The Hellfire Club, we now know that it will be followed by Tick Tock Mr Clock and You Snooze You Lose.

Gaten Matarazzo plays Dustin in popular Netflix show


Gaten Matarazzo plays Dustin in popular Netflix showCredit: BackGrid

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Joe Keery plays Steve - who's looking to get a new job in season 4


Joe Keery plays Steve – who’s looking to get a new job in season 4Credit: BackGrid

While some fans have predicted that the images and headlines could suggest time is running out for the gang, others have suggested that it could be a concept of time travel that is about to happen.

An enthusiastic fan tweeted: Hit me. TIME TRAVEL! What if they travel through time. At night, I’m wrong, but I feel like it’s pretty smart. I thought I would share it here

Elsewhere, the actor who played Dr Brenner teased a despicable comeback for the villain, pointing out that audiences “never saw the body” after his supposed death.

Stranger Things season 1-3 is available to stream on Netflix now.

Stranger Things season 3 blooper sees sunk in points as David Harbor struggles with the word ‘grandma’

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