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New plastics ban passes in city of Hollywood, expanding measures already in place


HOLLYWOOD, Florida. The most aggressive ban on plastics in the state of Florida has been passed in the city of Hollywood.

The city, which already had an aggressive stance on the use of plastics, launched its war on pollution into high gear.

Hollywood has effectively banned the use and distribution of single-use plastics and polystyrene on city-owned properties and by city vendors.

Things that come in plastic: utensils, straws, plates, whatever you’re going to use once and throw away, Hollywood District 1 Commissioner Caryl Shuham said.

Commissioner Shuham sponsored the legislation, which builds on a single-use plastic ban already enforced in Hollywood Beach and the Barrier Islands.

I really hope there will be less plastic and less plastic used on the beach and on our Broadwalk, Commissioner Shuham said.

This law was passed 40 years ago, before the state of Florida prevented other municipalities from passing similar bans on plastic.

But the state can’t control what cities do with city-owned property, and in that Hollywood has found a loophole.

He’s trying to take back what we can, what’s left under preemption, to control the use of plastic in our own city, Shuham said.

The ban does not apply to businesses, but the city believes that if consumer demand is reduced, business owners will be forced to look for single-use plastic and polystyrene alternatives.

Hopefully vendors and stores along the Broadwalk turn to cans and boxed drinks and lay off plastic, Shuham said.

The ordinance also prohibits the release of balloons which wreak havoc on the environment and can injure or even kill wildlife. The city of Hollywood is now leading the charge and is hoping other cities in Florida will also fight for ways to ban plastics in their communities.

We are doing what we can locally to control this problem and are sending a clear message to our state legislature that communities want to do it, said Catherine Uden, South Florida campaign organizer for Oceana, the most. the world’s largest ocean conservation organization. We care about this problem.

Sentences for people caught with single-use plastic and polystyrene start at $ 50 for the first offense, but can go up to $ 500 or even jail time for repeat offenders.

The city is giving residents a six-month grace period to learn about the new ordinance before starting to impose fines, but it was something the city felt compelled to do.

It is estimated that 17.6 billion pounds of plastic enters our oceans each year, and only 2% is actually recycled.

Copyright 2020 by WPLG – All rights reserved.

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