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What every Cullen actor has done since (besides Robert Pattinson)

What every Cullen actor has done since (besides Robert Pattinson)


the The Twilight Saga has given a big boost to the careers of its main actors, and although Robert Pattinson is the best-known actor in the Cullen family, the rest of the coven have also been involved in some interesting projects since dusk It’s over. In 2005, Stephenie Meyer shared her take on vampires and werewolves in the novel dusk, the first entry in a series of four novels. The heart of the series was the relationship between vampire Edward Cullen and deadly Bella Swan, and although they are a very problematic pair, the dusk series was a great success.

It didn’t take long for the dusk novels to make it to the big screen, and in 2008 the dusk fanbase expanded with the release of the first film. the The Twilight Saga ended in 2012 with Breaking Dawn – Part 2, where Bella eventually became a vampire and the Volturi left the Cullens alone. the The Twilight Saga allowed fans to put a face to the characters they love and also gave a big boost to the careers of the lead actors, especially those of Kristen Stewart (who played Bella Swan) and Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen). While not all of the cast had the big hiatus that Stewart and Pattinson took, they aren’t inactive and have appeared in more projects since. dusk It’s over.

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Such is the case with the rest of the Cullen family, who have appeared in all of the films of the saga (however briefly), and while not all have been on big projects since. dusk (which is understandable given all the reviews the movies have received), they tried out different genres, both on the big screen and on TV. Here’s what every Cullen actor (except Robert Pattinson) has been up to since dusk:

Peter Facinelli – Carlisle Cullen

Peter Facinelli played Carlisle Cullen, the leader of the Cullen clan and the adoptive father of Edward, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper. Facinelli was already a household name thanks to his work in films like I can hardly wait, Driving in a car with boysand TV shows like Expressway and Six feet Under ground. After the The Twilight Saga ended, Facinelli has appeared in various movies and TV shows, most notably the horror film The damned, the crime thriller Run with the deviland TV shows Joy, American odyssey, Super girl, and TO CRUSH. His most recent projects are the action thriller The missing (which he also wrote and directed) and the Magnum PI to restart.

Elizabeth Reaser – Esme Cullen

Before dusk, Elizabeth Reaser had appeared in a few movies but was best known for playing Ava / Rebecca Pope in Grey’s Anatomy. in the dusk universe, Reaser played Esme Cullen, wife of Carlisles and mother of Edward and the others. Following the The Twilight Saga, Reaser appeared in movies One and two, Hello, my name is Doris, Ouija: the origin of evil, and Nightmare cinemaand TV shows Real detective, Mad Men, Easy, Manhunt: Unabomber, Law & Order True Crime, The Handmaid’s Tale, and more recently Netflix The Haunting of Hill House, where she played Shirley Crain.

Ashley Greene – Alice Cullen

Ashley Greene played Alice Cullen, one of Carlisle and Esmes’ foster children and the one who became closest to Bella even before she was turned into a vampire. dusk was Greenes big break, who had only appeared as an extra in two films and in small roles in a few TV shows. Greene has taken it easy since The Twilight Saga ended, appearing in movies like CBGB and In a dubious battle, as well as TV shows Hell’s Kitchen and Naughty. His last credit is the dramatic film Bomb, where she played Abby Huntsman.

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Kellan Lutz – Emmett Cullen

Kellan Lutz played Emmett Cullen, partner of Rosalies and brother of the rest of the Cullens. Emmett was the strongest of the clan, although he was defeated by Bella during his birth phase. Lutz has focused only on film projects (large and small) since dusk, appearing in Java heat, Syrup, a 3D animation version of Tarzan, the legend of hercules, The Expendables 3, Experimenter (where he played William Shatner), Extraction, Silver, Science Fiction Volume One: The Osiris Child, Guardians of the tomb, and What men want.

Nikki Reed – Rosalie Hale

Nikki Reeds big break came in 2003 with the film Thirteen, directed by Catherine Hardwicke, with whom she worked on other projects afterwards, such as Lords of Dogtown and of course) dusk, where she played Rosalie. After her stint with the Cullens, Reed appeared in the movies Empire State, Pawn, Enter the dangerous spirit, Balls Out, In your eyes, Murder of a cat, About Scout, Jack comes home, and Sunday horse. She has also appeared in television shows Sleepy hollow, Doll face, and V-Wars. Reed also focused on production and directing and has appeared in a few music videos as well.

Jackson Rathbone – Jasper Hale

Jackson Rathbone played Jasper Hale, Alice’s partner and member of the Cullen Clan with the most interesting power: to feel and change the emotions of those around him. Although Rathbone was not a newcomer when he was chosen dusk, it was the role that made him a widely known name and helped him secure the role of Sokka in The last air Master. After the The Twilight Saga ended, Rathbone appeared in the movies Snowshoe theory, Justice, Samson, and Mxico’s wall, as well as TV shows White collar, NTSF: SD: SUV ::, Find Carter, and The last boat.

Next: What The Twilight Actors REALLY Thought About The Movies

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