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‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood,’ ‘Last Black Man’ Wins Location Awards

‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood,’ ‘Last Black Man’ Wins Location Awards
‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood,’ ‘Last Black Man’ Wins Location Awards


“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” and “The Last Black Man in San Francisco” won Best Feature Film trophies at the seventh annual Location Managers Guild International Awards.

“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” by Quentin Tarantino won the award for Outstanding Locations in a Period Film, and “The ‘Last Black Man in San Francisco” by Joe Talbot for Outstanding Locations in a Contemporary Film.

The TV winners were HBO’s “Perry Mason” for a Period Series, BBC America’s “Killing Eve” for a Contemporary Series, and a tie between Apple TV Plus’s “Little America” and “ZeroZeroZero” d ‘Amazon Prime Video in the Limited Anthology category.

Isaiah Mustafa hosted the event on Saturday with the theme “Vision 2020: We See It First”. The ceremony was presented on a digital platform and streamed to a global audience on LMGI’s Youtube channel.

“At a time when the industry is moving under our collective feet, the LMGI awards were a bright spot in a sea of ​​pandemic angst, messages of solidarity, inclusion and hope. International localization professionals serve the industry with tireless creativity and ingenuity. We are very proud of our recipients and nominees – they are all winners, ”said Lori Balton, Co-Chair of the Awards and Past President of LMGI.

Previously announced winners included Spike Lee for the Trailblazer Award; Christopher McQuarrie for the Eva Monley Award; Gary Sinise for the Humanitarian Award, honoring him for the creation of the Gary Sinise Foundation; and Veronique Vowell for the Lifetime Achievement Award.

The program was produced by Erick Weiss, Honeysweet Creative and IngleDodd Media and written by Shelly Goldstein.



Trailblazer Award – Spike Lee

Lifetime Achievement Award – Veronique Vowell

Eva Monley Award – Christopher McQuarrie

Humanitarian Award – Gary Sinise


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood – Columbia Pictures (WINNER)

Rick Schuler / LMGI, Steve Mapel / LMGI

1917 – DreamWorks Pictures, Emma Pill / LMGI

Dolemite is my name – Netflix, David B. Lyons / LMGI, Russel Hadaya

A Hidden Life – Fox Searchlight Pictures, Markus Bensch / LMGI, Leo Baumgartner

Jojo Rabbit – Fox Searchlight Pictures, Jan Adler / LMGI

Little Women – SONY Pictures, Douglas Dresser / LMGI, Kyle “Snappy” Oliver / LMGI


The Last Black Man of San Francisco – A24 (WINNER)

Daniel Lee / LMGI 6 Underground – Bay Films, Skydance Media, Netflix, Enrico Latella / LMGI, Simon Crook / LMGI

Da 5 Bloods – 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks, Netflix, Nui Voradet Emeam

Extraction – Netflix, Mary Barltrop / LMGI

Peanut Butter Falcon – Armory Films, Roadside Attractions, Jody Schiesser


Perry Mason – HBO (WINNER)

Jonathan Jansen / LMGI, Alexander Georges / LMGI,

Brian Kinney / LMGI, Alex Moreno / LMGI

Babylon Berlin: Season 3 – X Films Creative Pool, Netflix: David Pieper / LMGI

The Crown: Season 3 – Netflix, Pat Karam / LMGI, Pedro “Tate” Aråez / LMGI

See: Season 1 – Apple TV +, Trevor Brokop, Nick Bergstedt, Michael Gazetas / LMGI (posthumous)

Westworld: Season 3 – HBO, Mandi Dillin / LMGI, Michael Wesley / LMGI

Wu-Tang: An American Saga – Hulu, Rob Coleman, Mike Mizrahi, Dexter Wiseman


Killing Eve: Season 3 – BBC America (WINNER)

Jamie Parsons, Jordi Utset, Lucian Asan

Gigi / Haji – Netflix, Antonia Grant, Idris Ahmed, Tooru Hayakawa, Katsumasa Morita

Goliath: Season 3 – Amazon Prime Video, Scott Poole, Errol Reichow / LMGI

Messiah – Netflix, Wendell Hinkle, Marco Giacalone / LMGI, Hilton Clay Peres / LMGI

Treadstone – Captivate Entertainment, USA Network, Imre Légmån / LMGI, Rosita Cannata, Bong Cho, Wesker Hsing

White Lines – Netflix, Germån Traver, Leon Seth


* Little America – Apple TV Plus (WINNER)

Mike Hartel, Rocco Nisivoccia, Adrian Knight / LMGI

* ZEROZEROZERO – Amazon Prime Video (WINNER)

Gianni Antonio Grazioli, Christian Peritore, Juan Pablo Noval,

Lily Flaschner, Virginia McCollam, Babacar Seck, Zoubir Belgsir,

Hicham Jamaledine

Belgravia – Epix, Mark “Sparky” Ellis

Catherine the Great – HBO, Vytautas Riabovas, Kest Cicenas, Svetlana Lukash

The Plot Against America – HBO, Matthew Kania

The Spy – Netflix, Rabi El Bakki, Zsuzsa Gregua, Zsolt Valkony


Zodiac Mask – Stink Shanghai, Ben Qian, Allen Cao Ford (WINNER)

Human Power – First, Alejando Bresciani

Georgetown Optician: Eyes Say More Than Words – Design Army, Dean

Alexander Gucci: Of course a horse – GE-Projects ,, Beau Bright

Renault Clio: The French Exchange – Academy Films, Mark Jones, Eugene Strange

Sprite “You are not alone” – Primo ,, Hernan Dal Maso


Toscana Film Commission (WINNER)

Abu Dhabi Film Commission

Berlin Brandenberg Film Commission

Municipality of Port Hope Marketing and Tourism Office, Port Hope, Ontario

New Jersey Film and Television Commission

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