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Fans have an interesting theory on how long some Hollywood weddings last

Fans have an interesting theory on how long some Hollywood weddings last
Fans have an interesting theory on how long some Hollywood weddings last


Fans (and the media) love to speculate, so here’s an interesting theory on why some Hollywood marriages last.

Relations with celebrities, weddings and especially famous children have always interested fans.

And luckily for the public, Hollywood stars are like regular people in that their relationships don’t always work out. That means tons of revealing facts about everyone’s favorite actors and artists, and plenty of drama in the headlines.

Some celebrity couples end up canceling their marriage when they’ve barely started. But even short-lived matings like that of Britney Spears and her childhood friend Jason Alexander are still talked about decades later (chances are even the younger generation will know about it!).

Then again, some celebrity weddings seem to have endured the limelight much longer than the careers of other stars even lasted. Unlike most matings, 11-year-old marriages like Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman’s are pretty impressive (although it may not have been an objectively good marriage).

But the truly inspiring weddings that have lasted in Hollywood and still seem to be rock solid might contain secrets other celebrities have yet to uncover.

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In fact, one fan theory assumes that high profile couples lack a critical factor that virtually guarantees a good marriage. It’s this concept that fans highlight when they highlight some of the longest and seemingly happiest relationships on the red carpet.

Referring to couples like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie or Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan, fans say looks too good-looking might have something to do with why these couples fell apart.

Yes, the fans on Quora assuming the problem with so many Hollywood relationships is that the two halves of the equation aretoo attractive. It sounds ridiculous and the theorymade come from a thread of people bemoaning their supposedly prettier halves.

But maybe the theory has merit. If couples choose each other mainly based on their looks, well, everyone knows how it ends. Personality plays a big role in keeping a relationship alive.

Plus, Hollywood is full of people who know howact. With excellent appearance and the ability to play almost any role, some people fail to make a real connection when looking for a spouse in the spotlight.

Fans take this theory a step further, pointing to relationships like that of Hugh Jackman and his wife Deborra-Lee Furness (24 years of marriage) or Pierce Brosnan and his wife, Keely Shay Smith (19 years of marriage, but they met in 1994).

Pierce regularly gushes about his wife in media and social media, notesBored panda, so it’s not even the secret that saves celebrity unions. But, neither Hugh nor Pierce’s wife are gorgeous by Hollywood standards, even though they are both pretty women by fan estimates.

And that, fans say, is what sets successful marriages apart: looks. Maybe not the absence good-looking, obviously, but more depth than a pretty face, at least.

NEXT: This Fan Theory Perfectly Explains Why Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston Didn’t Work Out

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