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Marvel reveals secrets of MCU Spider-Man web-shooters

Marvel reveals secrets of MCU Spider-Man web-shooters
Marvel reveals secrets of MCU Spider-Man web-shooters


In a new MCU Liaison Book, Marvel revealed the global secret behind Spider-Mans’ famous web shooters, offering more detail than ever before.

In a new MCU link book, Wakanda files, Marvel revealed the secret to the world behind Spider Mans famous web-shooters. Subtitle A technological exploration of the Avengers and beyond,Wakanda files is presented as a folder in the universe compiled by Black Panthers Shuri who collects various documents and plans, tracing the technological history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Among those notes is the secret formula for the Spider-Mans Web Fluid, which he uses to swing between buildings, subdue criminals, or just grab a can of soda without walking to the fridge. Spideys ‘web shooters are an iconic part of his character, although like everything in the comic book business, the specifics of their design and origin have changed over the course of Spider-Mans’ many film adaptations.

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While web shooters began their lives as a wrist-mounted mechanical device invented by Peter Parker in the original Spideys comic, some renditions have incorporated organic web-shooting abilities into Spider’s power set. -Mans, derived from being bitten by a radioactive spider. . Sam raimis Spider Man trilogy, with Tobey Maguire in the title role, also used the organic strap to avoid any further exposure adding an uncomfortable level of body horror to these movies if you think about it too long. Subsequent representations namely Andrew Garfield and MCUs Tom Holland used the more traditional mechanical design present in most comics: a clear way to convey Peter Parkers’ intellect and scientific ability, while providing a crucial aspect of the Spider-Man mythos. While the Web Spideys shooters have an obvious function in the MCU, details of their design and web fluid formula have been kept under wraps until now.

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Wakanda files, written by Troy Benjamin as An Artifact in the Universe, contains some of Peter Parkers’ notes, revealing more about his web shooters than previously known. Titled Web Fluid, version 3.01, the passage opens with Peter reflecting on which materials would make the best webbing while questioning the use of silk, before settling on the synthesized spider silk modeled against the real thing. He writes that the web fluid should be load-bearing and strong, hold up under extreme stress and strain, while being slightly stretchy. Natural spider silk, he notes, has a GPa of 1.75 (meaning that it has a relatively high level of tensile strength and is able to withstand a significant amount of pressure and stress), against his own synthesized spider silks of 0.875 GPa that Peter estimates not strong enough before theorizing that he might be able to hook a car with it if he’s able to get the GPa closer to 1. A diagram at the bottom of the page includes a formula for the Spider-Mans Web Fluid, listing the chemicals and the equipment needed in the middle of Peters Character Doodles.

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Additionally, Peters’ notes contain his thought process behind mechanical web shooters. Each wrist-mounted device contains a trigger that Peter activates with his middle finger; capable of stopping the flow of the strap and cutting the strand by releasing the same trigger. The fluid cartridges, inserted into each device, weigh 16 grams and are made from discarded CO2 cans that Peter found in the garbage. Without the necessary pressure, he realizes, the strap won’t pull very far so decides to add CO2 to the cartridges to give it an extra boost.

Eagle-eyed fans might recall similar notes that appeared in the 2017s Spider-Man: Homecoming, also titled Web Fluid, version 3.01, thus placing the document in the MCU timeline. It’s likely that Peter evolved and developed the formula throughout his subsequent film appearances, having access to more advanced science equipment and chemicals via Tony Stark and the Avengers. While Wakanda files does not provide any mind-boggling information regarding Spider Mans web-shooters (since audiences already understand their basic function), the pseudo-scientific details included should appeal to the most devoted corners of the MCU’s vast fan base. It remains to be seen whether Peters Web’s fluid formula can be replicated in real life; although it is probably not wise to try this sort of thing at home

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Key release dates

  • Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)Published: February 11, 2022
  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)Release Date: March 25, 2022
  • Black Panther 2 (2022)Release Date: May 6, 2022
  • Black Widow (2021)Release Date: May 7, 2021
  • Eternals (2021)Release Date: 05 Nov 2021
  • Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)Release date: 09 Jul 2021
  • Captain Marvel 2 (2022)Release date: Jul 8, 2022
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming 3 (2021)Release date: 17 Dec 2021

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