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Who was Stevie Nicks married to?

Who was Stevie Nicks married to?



FLEETWOOD Mac singer Stevie Nicks was once married to her late friend Kim Anderson’s partner.

The two were married for three months before Nicks realized she had made a mistake.

Stevie Nicks and Kim Anderson married in 1983


Stevie Nicks and Kim Anderson married in 1983Credit: Getty Images – Getty

Who was Stevie Nicks married to?

Stevie Nicks married Kim Anderson in 1983, the widower of his best friend Robin.

The marriage was short-lived, as the two came to the conclusion that they were not a match after the couple stopped crying.

Nicks admitted her three-month marriage to Anderson was a mistake, as she was devastated by the loss of her best friend to cancer.

Nicks married Anderson who was the partner of his best friend Robin before his death


Nicks married Anderson who was the partner of his best friend Robin before his deathCredit: Getty Images – Getty

Two days before Robin died, she gave birth to a baby boy named Matthew.

I went mad, absolutely mad when Robin died, ”she told Woman’s Own in 1990.

“The only thing I could think of was trying to give Kim relief by marrying her and helping raise their son. I think in his heart, Robin knew that I would go after Kim.

“I had known her for 20 years and him for five years, and I felt that this baby belonged to me almost as much as to them.”

How did Stevie Nicks and Kim Anderson meet?

The couple met through Robin. Robin and Kim Anderson dated for five years before they died.

Nicks and Anderson’s marriage was met with strong disapproval.

Nicks said she was 'so wrong' about marrying Anderson after Robin died


Nicks said she was ‘so wrong’ about marrying Anderson after Robin diedCredit: Getty Images – Getty

It was so bad the thing. Take [Robin’s] the husband was so foolish.

“A lot of people refused to come to my wedding, they thought I had lost my mind, which I obviously had at the time.”

What did Stevie Nicks say about not having children?

Nicks has no children, but she once called herself a “rock and roll mom”.

In an interview with In Style in 2002, she said children were not in her life plans.

“It’s like, Do you want to be an artist and a writer, or a wife and a lover? With kids, your focus changes. I don’t want to go to PTA meetings,” she said.

Nicks never had a child


Nicks never had a childCredit: AP: Associated Press

Don Henley once admitted that Nicks got pregnant with their child and the song Sara was named after the name they were going to give their baby.

Nicks told Billboard in 2014 that Henley’s confession was partly true.

“If I had married Don and had this baby, and if she had been a girl, I would have called her Sara,” she says.

“But there was another woman in my life called Sara, who soon after became Mick’s wife, Sara Fleetwood.”

Why is Fleetwood Mac’s song Dreams trending?

Fleetwood Macs Dreams has seen a huge surge in popularity since appearing in a sweetTikTokvideo by user @ 420doggface208 aka Nathan Apodaca, 37.

Dreams featured on Fleetwood's 1977 album Mac Dreams


Dreams featured on Fleetwood’s 1977 album Mac DreamsCredit: Michael Ochs Archives – Getty

Nathan was on his way to work on the morning of September 25 and his car broke down – something that happened to him constantly as his car crossed the 300,000 mile mark.

He decided to get on his longboard, which he kept with him in case of an emergency to arrive on time.

Rumors returned to the Billboard charts thanks to TikTok's viral video


Rumors returned to the Billboard charts thanks to TikTok’s viral videoCredit: AP: Associated Press

Nathan was getting off an exit on the freeway and pulled out his phone to record a TikTok.

Fleetwood Mac’s Dreams plays in the background of the video and at one point Nathan turns his gaze to the phone and begins to speak the words.

The clip’s success has garnered 8.47 million Dreams streams since Oct. 1 in the US.

Rumors, the album that features Dreams, entered No. 27 in the United States.

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