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Meet Canadian actor Jordan Johnson-Hinds on his career and role in medical drama ‘Nurses’

Meet Canadian actor Jordan Johnson-Hinds on his career and role in medical drama ‘Nurses’


Jordan Johnson-Hinds dreamed of becoming an actor since his youth and landed his first significant role in the drama “Flashpoint”.

Like many actors who dreamed of appearing onscreen, Jordan Johnson-Hinds saw his career path from a young age and has slowly worked to become an actor ever since.

More recently, the native of Canada played in the medical drama “Nurses” alongside Tiera Skovbye, Natasha Calis, Shandy Sidhu and Donald Maclean Jr.


Johnson-Hinds grew up with separated parents, dividing his time between the two parents. From high school, he has already started his first steps to become an actor.

While attending the Catholic high school Francis Libermann, the star of “Nurses” took courses which allowed her talents to shine even more. During his final year at Blessed Mother Teresa Catholic High School, he started organizing events and even got a drama award.

His high school years also involved numerous studio visits in Los Angeles where he observed behind-the-scenes shoots and met people in the industry.


After high school, Johnson-Hinds took his talents to George Brown College, honing his skills in the performing arts. At this point, it slowly gained momentum through commercial stays and guest appearances.

Like Johnson-Hinds, Mantooth studied theater before entering the entertainment industry.

He has landed appearances on notable shows such as “Life with Derek” and “The Jon Dore Show”. His post-graduate career has earned him important roles as he starred in “Flashpoint” and CW “The LA Complex”.


Her latest medical series published in Canada, “The Nurses,” offers frontline players a new experience of the ups and downs of the modern profession, around the work-life relationships of five junior nurses.

With multiple roles involved, Johnson-Hinds shone as he took on the versatile character, Keon Colby, known for his life as a college jock as the school’s renowned football star.

In a constant concern to prove his worth beyond sports, the character has taken on one of the most rigorous and tiring professions in the medical field.

Jordan Johnson-Hinds at a screening of

Jordan Johnson-Hinds at a screening of “Chartered” at the Laemmle Monica Film Center on January 15, 2019 in Santa Monica, California., | Sources: Getty Images


Johnson-Hinds’ presence in the series goes beyond just adding to his stellar performances. Aiming for greater impact, the network intends promote appreciation of nurses through the “Thank a Nurse” campaign, giving them a chance to appear on “The Morning Show”.

There have been several medical dramas in the past that have brought their actors to success, including “Providence”, “Doogie Howser MD”, “Private Practice” and one of the oldest, “Emergency!” with Randolph Mantooth.

Like Johnson-Hinds, Mantooth studied theater before entering the entertainment industry. He went on to perform in more shows including “Charlie’s Angels” and “Sons of Anarchy”. With his bright future in the same field, probably, the star of “Nurses” will only advance his acting career.

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