Stevie Nicks wows the scene with his “24 Karat Gold The Concert” – The Suffolk Journal
In the midst of a global pandemic, rock legend Stevie Nicks continued to find a way to entertain an audience.
The singer had a two-night live event, featuring her latest tour, 24 Karat Gold The Concert, in select venues around the world. Entertainment companies BMG and Trafalgar Releasing presented Nicks concerts on October 21 and 25 at theaters, exhibitions and drive-ins.
The performer has created a unique experience for her fans with the timeless stories of her career and life. Each song was specifically chosen to reflect his talents as an accomplished writer and famous performances.
The 24 Karat Gold Tour was my favorite tour of all time. I not only got to sing my songs, but I got to tell their stories for the first time. I love having the opportunity to share this concept with my fans. From me to you – 24 Karat Gold, says Nicks.
The two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee has provided audiences with classics from her Fleetwood Mac days such as Rhiannon, Landslide and more. Additionally, valuable songs from his solo career graced the set-list like his hit song, Edge of Seventeen.
Throughout the show, Nicks emphasized the importance of her relationships with other artists and how they transformed her into the person she is today. Specifically, his good friend Tom Petty and the pop icon Prince have been major influences in his music.
The Grammy-winning artist performed the hit single, Stop dragging my heart, which features Petty on the runway. She paid tribute to the late singer with a moving photo of the two at the end of their famous duet.
Music lovers laughed and sang as the singer told incredible stories from her life. Fans got to see another side of the Fleetwood Mac singer that continues to captivate the hearts of many, just as she did in the ’70s.
Nicks continued to keep her busy in 2020 with the release of her new single, Show them the way. The ballad, released on October 9, inspires listeners to keep hope and let themselves be guided through difficult times.
Although she is best known for being in her iconic rock band, she made it clear in one of her speeches that her solo career was no accident. Fans shouted and cheered on Nicks after seeing her take credit for her recognized talents.
Fleetwood Mac has recently received a lot of attention due to a virus TIC Tac, which presents the single of the group n ° 1, Dreams. The video shows a man on a skateboard while drinking cranberry juice and has since started a global Tik Tok trend.
After the video went viral, band members Mick Fleetwood, Lindsey Buckingham and Nicks each recreated the video in their own unique style, drawing the attention of old fans and new listeners alike.
The concert was highly returned to Prince. The great late artist was shown on the big screen throughout the show with an array of images. Nicks gave the pop legend a touching nominated performance when she sang, Moonlight (A vampire dream).
The crowd was in awe and awe as she sang for her old friend.
The movies calmed down at the very end of the show when Nicks started telling the story of a very important song. What was supposed to be a trip to Colorado for a short while turned into the event that inspired his crowning glory, Landslide. “
Follow Olivia on Twitter @ OliviaAcevedo12.
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