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Zendaya arrives in Atlanta for the filming of Spider-Man 3


Shortly after Tom Holland arrives in Atlanta to film Marvel / Sony’s Spider-Man 3, Zendaya follows suit as she prepares to reprise her MCU role as GM.

Zendaya is spotted arriving in Atlanta to begin filming Spider-Man 3. Soon after Tom Holland confirmed he was in town for the project, his co-star followed suit, indicating that principal photography will begin sooner or later.

Playing Michelle Jones aka MJ in the Marvel Studios / Sony Pictures Entertainment franchise, Zendaya made her debut with the character in Jon Watts’ Spider-Man: Homecoming from 2017. Although she did play a small role in the film, that changed when she took over the role in 2019 Spider-Man: Far From Home after she and Peter Parker officially started dating. As one of the few people who previously knew Spider-Man’s true identity before it was leaked by the heavily edited video of Mysterio and released by The Daily Bugle Net, MJ is poised to play an important role in Spider-Man 3.

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Just Jared reveals a series of photos showing Zendaya arriving in Atlanta via a private plane with her entourage. The footage also reveals that the Emmy Award-winning actress was picked up from the tarmac, most likely by staff at Marvel Studios. Prior to these images, Zendaya already took it to her official Instagram to confirm that she is indeed in the capital of Georgia, although unlike Holland, she didn’t mention it was for Spider-Man 3.

A screenshot of Peter talking to MJ at the Prague Opera in Spider-Man: Far From Home

The end of Far from home clearly sets up the threequel’s narrative, with Spider-Man on display. However, recent reports regarding Spider-Man 3 seem to imply that Marvel Studios is no longer following their original plan. Instead, they lean in to take on the Spider-Verse with supposed key cast additions like 2014’s Jamie Foxx’s Max Dillon / Electro.The Incredible Spider-Man 2and Doctor Strange by Benedict Cumberbatch. It should be noted that Marvel Studios and / or Sony Pictures Entertainment have yet to make an official announcement regarding these castings, but they generally don’t respond to these rumors anyway, so it’s safe to say they will continue. to be moms about it. . At this point, the public’s best bet is to get concrete evidence that the aforementioned actors do appear in Spider-Man 3 that’s if they’re also spotted in Atlanta as Zendaya.

Assuming that Spider-Man 3 Really tackling the Spider-Verse, he’s curious how MJ will be factored into the story. As seen in both Back home and Far from home, this is not a damsel in distress; she is able to fend for herself and even really help Peter. She even discovered Peter’s best-kept secret just by silently observing him. Considering her personal association with the web-slinging hero, there’s a good chance she would be affected by the fallout of her true identity being revealed if Marvel Studios continues to explore this plot point. Either way, let’s hope the next blockbuster explores MJ more not just because she’s related to Spider-Man, but because she’s an interesting character as well.

More: MCU’s Spider-Man Revealed His Origin Story On YouTube

Source: Just Jared

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