Bill Maher has fun with Tom Hanks, Trump’s Trump response to coronavirus in ‘Real Time’ comeback
After a three-week hiatus due to the rapid spread of new coronavirus and subsequent prison processes across the country, Bill Maher returned to his HBO show Real time Friday night.
When we last talked to the comedian on March 13, he was saying that he was President Trump should be tested immediately for COVID-19 given that he crossed paths with several people diagnosed with the virus (Trump has since reportedly tested for negativity). Like many of his late nights recording his shows living rooms. tub and mysterious rooms, Maher decided to record his monologue in his own backyard, right in front of the giant bar.
“Thank you Jesus, I have no symptoms – unless you count on me undressing every time Trump talks,” Maher offered. “He does this every day, where he boasts a rating: ‘I have better grades than that Monday Night Football. Bachelor‘… Yes! Because your viewers can’t leave the house. What else will he do? Read?!”
Towards the end of his summit, Maher tried to comfort his viewers. “We’re going to get through this. We are. And, stress? It’s the worst thing for your immune system, so try to think a little positive,” he said. “Think about all the celebrities who have this, who we know they have, and who do just fine – Prince Charles, Tom Hanks, Jackson Browne, Chris Cuomo, Kevin Durant. Everyone who gets it! And you know that Toma Hanks , of course, he was so elegant when he got it. He said, “It’s an honor to just be contaminated.”
After welcoming diplomat Eric Garcetti, mayor of Los Angeles, Maher received a video chat with Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT), who is still running for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Sanders used his usual little bit of Medicare benefits for everyone, especially during the current crisis, before Maher asked him about how Trump favors certain states he defeated and whose governors treat him (like Florida) with others (New York and California) when it comes to distributing life-saving medical supplies, including ventilators, that could save thousands of lives.
“One of the most important parts of this is that the president favors certain countries over others,” Maher said, calling it “a more inconceivable offense than what he did with Ukraine and Russia.”
“It’s literally not understandable. We have a president who has done so much harm in this whole process, who has crushed the crisis since day one … which will cost the lives of thousands of Americans,” Sanders explained, adding that “the worst part of this 2 billion dollars [coronavirus] the stimulus package that was passed last week … was $ 500 billion allocated to the president for deployment to corporate America, and nowhere near the range of bound types and responsibility that was required. And now he says, I don’t care about responsibility at all, I’ll do what I want. “
He then insisted that Trump would use the so-called “slush fund” to take advantage of the election, adding, “If you think you won’t see a lot of money during the campaign from the Trump administration going to the battlefield of the state – in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida – roughly you underestimate the credibility of this president. “
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