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See actor John Amos and his daughter Shannon’s eerie resemblance in a recent video

See actor John Amos and his daughter Shannon’s eerie resemblance in a recent video



“Good Times” star John Amos and his daughter Shannon recently posted a video of them on social media. The close-up revealed the duo’s smiling faces, proving just how similar they are.

Veteran actor John Amos and his daughter Shannon took to Instagram to share a video on each of their social media accounts. The clip suggests how Shannon borrowed her looks from her famous father.

In the video posted just days ago, John and Shannon put on a lovely smile for the camera, and the resemblance between them becomes immediately evident.

John Amos and his daughter Shannon share a video of themselves.  |  Source: Instagram / officialshannonamos

John Amos and his daughter Shannon share a video of themselves. | Source: Instagram / officialshannonamos

Shannon is John’s daughter, with his wife Noel Mickelson. With her father being an iconic name in Hollywood, Shannon became used to to the ins and outs of the entertainment industry from an early age.

He starred in the hit television sitcom from 1974 to 1979, playing one of the most important characters.

She used to visit the sets of the shows and movies where her father played, the most popular among which “Good Times” and “Coming to America”. She began to observe and understand all the behind-the-scenes processes and the management side. things.

John Amos and his daughter Shannon share a video of themselves.  |  Source: Instagram / officialshannonamos

John Amos and his daughter Shannon share a video of themselves. | Source: Instagram / officialshannonamos


Shannon later joined college, but quickly dropped out to get a more hands-on experience on film sets. Eventually, she became one of the production assistants on Yo! MTV Raps, which was one of the pioneering hip-hop shows at the time.

She was also hired to become a segment producer on the iconic series Americas Most Wanted. The show was yet another pioneering program in its class at the time of its television broadcast.

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WHAT ABOUT LOVE? With so much going on in the world, we can often feel overwhelmed and challenged. We need more LOVE conversations and we need a more loving culture. In Bell Hooks’ book All About Love, she says love shouldn’t be a name. She shares that the dictionary says: Love is a deeply tender and passionate affection for another person. A warm personal attachment or a deep affection, as for a parent, child or friend. A passion or a sexual desire. Like Hooks, I believe LOVE should be a verb and we should start to think of it as an action rather than a feeling. It should be achievable and encompass trust, respect, integrity, compassion, commitment, justice and accountability. Affection is just one ingredient of love. To truly love, we must learn to blend various ingredients of care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment and trust, as well as honest and open communication. Until we can fully enter into the process of healing our mind, body, and soul, how can we begin the work of healing ourselves or uplifting our families, communities, or the world? as we know it. Many of us bear the emotional scars of our childhood and have very mixed perceptions of love. Many of us have often learned as children that love must coexist with abuse, disrespect, harsh punishment, and dysfunction. Others of us have learned that love is only about having our satisfied needs and wants, and many of us have attached love to superficial and material things. All of them placed the meaning of LOVE on feelings and in the context of reward and punishment. More in the comments)

A post shared by Shannon amos (@officialshannonamos) on

Somewhere around 2001, Shannon also became a part of the growing sector of the music industry. During her career, she has helped produce music videos for legendary rap artists including Snoop Dog, Ice Cube and Dr. Dre.

A visionary as she has always been, today Shannon is more active in the digital content space where she is renowned for managing the careers and journeys of many growing YouTube stars.


Where Shannon has become a true star in handling all of the production processes that take place behind the camera, her father continues to be renowned for his abilities in front of her.

The 80-year-old star, who continues to act to this day, is most praised for his role on the ’70s show, Good Times. He starred in the hit CBS television sitcom from 1974 to 1979, portraying one of the most important characters.

In “Good Times,” the character of John was one of the very first African-American family men to be portrayed on television. During an interview with Vulture, the iconic actor revealed that he always feels responsible when playing this character. he said:

“And also, I carried the weight of being the first black father of a complete family, and I took that responsibility seriously”

Towards the end of last year, John made headlines by making a unexpected appearance during a special live presentation of “Good Times” to a studio audience. However, he has appeared in a different role than the one he originally portrayed years ago.

During this time, the original role of John was played by actor Andre Braugher. In addition to the veteran actor, the cast of the original series, including Bernadette Stanis, Jimmie Walker and Janet Dubois, also made special appearances.

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