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“Birds of Prey” – a fun superhero movie for a gang of girls


By Eleanor Ringel Cater

Fizzy, funky, and full of self as a weak acid party, “Birds of Prey” is a feminist free-for-all disguised as a superhero movie.

You remember the crazy, sharp Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), the best at the 2016 Suicide Club. For the most part, as a Joker crazy and deadly girl, she was the only bright spot in the franchise’s otherwise cruel miss.

“Birds of Prey” – a girl superhero

Now it’s back to the title film and as Dan Aykroyd once said of Jessica Tandy in “Miss Daisy’s Ride,” she’s a gun.

Kicked out like a gang member of a gang-themed derby from the cult classic “Warriors” (one of many references to “Birds” movies), Harley starts the picture by breaking up with The Joker – or “Mr. J” as she calls it at the Betty-Boopish Brooklyn counter . But losing him also loses his considerable protection. Now everyone in Gotham was resentful of their turn to get a small refund.

The deadliest in the group is Roman Sionis (Ewan McGregor, immensely enjoying it), which is also on the trail of a lost diamond (don’t worry, it’s McGuffin). One of his supporters (Chris Messina) had it, but teenage petty thief Cassandra (Ella Jay Basco) took the wrong pocket and, well, the hunt is ongoing.

Poster “Birds of Prey”

Harley kinda keeps the girl. Fortunately, she has help – the “birds” of the title. They are: The Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), a singer with a killer voice; Montoya (Rosie Perez), a true blue detective seemingly stuck in an ’80s police show; and Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), a socially clumsy vigilante.

They make a great gang for girls – Winstead is especially fun – but Robbie is that spark. You literally can’t take your eyes off her, either by dealing with Breakup Blues by marketing her Cheez Whiz straight to her mouth or explaining to the new teen that if she wants the boys to respect her, “you have to show them that you’re serious. Shoot someone. Pick up something.” “

“Bird of Prey” shoots a lot of people (sometimes with glitter bombs, sometimes with something far more painful) and it explodes as many things as any comic book movie focused on a boy.

But most of all, it awakens our notions of what constitutes a female superhero image. He is really safe and incredibly frenetic. “I want to be like you,” Cassandra says, adoring Harley. “Except for the crazy part.”

Me too. I’ll even take a crazy role.

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