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The Firefly Fun House match took John Cena on a trip to WrestleMania 36


Firefly Fun House match between John Cena and Bray Wyatt’s “The Fiend” was just as witty and entertaining as WWE fans had hoped.

The penultimate match of evening two WrestleMania 36 it started with John Cena coming out from behind and as he looks around the empty crowd at the Performance Center he orders the camera “Welcome to WrestleMania” before the cameras cut to Bray’s Firefly Fun House set.

From there, Cena would embark on a journey through his career and the “mistakes” of his past. We recommend going to the WWE Network to watch the match in its entirety, but here’s a brief look at what happened.

wwe wrestlemania 36 firefly fun house fiend
“The Fiend” stands over John Cena after the Firefly Fun House match at WrestleMania 36.

The match began with his first appearance on SmackDown when he took to the court of Kurt Angle. Bray Wyatt acted as Angle with Cena only could say “ruthless aggression.” Cena tries to attack Wyatt, but Bray avoids the whole offense.

Cena is then transported to the main event on Saturday night, when Wyatt plays Hulk Hogan and presents his friend who has no skills and is just a great body. Cena goes out and starts curling non-stop until he can lift his hands.

Thuganomics Cena is next as he runs Bray Wyatt in the ring with some songs, which upsets Wyatt. The scene changes to WrestleMania 30 where Bray has returned to the cult leader trick and tells Cena that he made the wrong decision in their last match, but now is his chance to fix it.

Wyatt gives Cena the table John is trying his Bray with, but he disappears.

wrestlemania 36 firefly party house bray wyatt

The next scene is WCW Nitro as Bray plays Eric Bishoff presenting Hollywood to Hulk Hogan. But instead of the Hulk coming out, Cena comes out imitating him. Bray and Cena give two candy when John lights Wyatt and starts beating him severely.

When Cena runs out, he returns to his regular outfit when “The Fiend” appears and hits his sister Abigail and Mandible Claw. Bray Wyatt appears next to them and counts three, which brought “The Fiend” the win. John Cena, lifeless in the ring, disappears, ending the match.

This match is set after Bray Wyatt’s “The Fiend” lost to Superberg in February from Goldberg at the Super Showdown. In a special episode of Friday night’s SmackDown, Cena came out to present a promotion on what he’s doing at this year’s WrestleMania. He first said he didn’t want to take the place of one of the upcoming stars and was about to leave when “The Fiend” appeared behind him.

Wyatt said nothing, but simply pointed to the sign of WrestleMania in which Cena accepted the challenge.

In the weeks leading up to WrestleMania, Wyatt would put on several Firefly Fun House

What did you think of the Firefly Fun House match? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

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