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WAR DEADLINE gives fans a fun and intense finale


This post contains spoilers for The Walking Dead Season 10, Episode 15.

This week Walking Dead was supposed to be a great penultimate episode that will build anticipation for the always explosive season finale. However, Deadline reports that electricity Covide-19 the pandemic stopped post-production for episode 16. This means that the current episode was basically the season finale; the planned finale will be a special episode later this year. Nobody knows when that special episode (or season 11) is going to happen, so for now, we’re going to focus on what’s gone wrong and what to expect Walking dead returns.

Princess adventures begin

Survivors are standing in an open field

Jace Downs / AMC

The obvious highlight of “The Tower” is the Princess. Paolo Lazaro brings to life this comic character all the liveliness and fun that fans would expect from the character. It is an exciting and eccentric supplement that brings fresh air into the long-running series after (mostly) doom and gloom.

Sure, the princess almost got Yumiko, Ezekiel, and Eugene in the minefield because she didn’t want to let them go, but let’s give her a break. She has been alone for some time and has gained the sympathy of our trio. And she introduced them to a garage full of cute bikes to help them move on.

The question remains in which city they are located. Comic Princess was in Pittsburgh, but it wouldn’t make sense for Eugene’s group to be in Pennsylvania when she was due to head to West Virginia. And it is not entirely clear how many days are on the road or how much time is left before the meeting deadline.

Yumiko and the princess stare at the distance

Jace Downs / AMC

Walking dead he has always been immense in terms of how many days have gone by, so we will have to assume that the meeting will happen in the next day or two. You better pedal fast to there my friends!

The upcoming special episode should show their arrival and reveal the truth about Stephanie’s group. Is she with the Commonwealth? Or they will Walking dead introduce another random community? No matter what, it is better for a princess to have all the lines and screen time because she rules.

The final whisper of whispers

An armed whisper stands by the walkers

Jackson Lee Davis / AMC

Everything outside the Princess was all thunderous and gloomy. All communities are inundated at the hospital to protect themselves from the Beta attack from revenge after Alfie’s death. The plan seems to have succeeded after Beta and the walkers enter empty Alexandria, but things go awry when they suddenly move and move to where everyone is hiding in the last moments.

Several whispers also catch Aaron and Alden. Alden has moved away from their understanding before, but this time he may not succeed. Aaron feels like a more stable choice for survival because he is in Alexandria, but his death cannot be ruled out.

Someone points a gun at Aaron’s eternally furious face before the scene ends. But who is he looking at? It could be a random whisper holding a gun. But all signs point to another spy in their group. There’s no way Beta knew where the survivors were hiding without someone telling him, was there?


But who could it be? Maybe it was just that Jules suddenly emerged this season as a member of the Oceanside community. Or, maybe the person behind the gun is not the enemy after all. It would be nice if there was someone secret and disguised. Who knows?

Aaron was in radio with Gabriel, who was stationed in the tower. Uh oh. Gabriel power to die at the same time as his comedic counterpart. In the comics, Gabriel was patrolling the water tower when he saw a large group of walkers approaching him. He tries to escape the ladder, slides, breaks his ankle, and Beta hits him before the walkers eat his body.

If Gabriel falls, he probably won’t be as clumsy as his version is much more budgetary, vicious, and an integral part of the plot. He would probably fire his guns to protect the people he loves.

Uncle Daryl and Judith embark on a security adventure. She shoots the Whisper in front of her before they share a heartfelt moment about losing the people they love. Judith admits that Michonne’s mom went to help someone, but oddly omits the part that Rick may be alive. You had one job, Judith.

Where are they now?


Where the hell is Connie? She should still be alive, and there is no sign of her in this episode. Kelly talked to Carol to get rid of some of her lingering guilt, but honestly everyone would feel better if we saw her face again.

I hope that Maggie will reappear in the actual finale / special episode. There will definitely be a final stance against Beta (which is pretty misleading) and now would be the perfect time for Maggie to come in with some reinforcement. There would be times when she thought she had left the hill and let ALL her friends not die to return home. Sigh.

New adventures with the Princess and the final stand against the Whisper War are temporarily delayed, but they will not deny fans a firm ending in the finale. Hope all this will be worth the wait.

Header image: Jace Downs / AMC

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