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Blake Shelton makes fun of himself over the pronunciation of Stace


Blake Shelton has a special message for everyone: “Tell Stace.”

On Sunday, Vote coach became the Internet’s most memorable moment when he tripped over his words throughout ACM represents: Our country special.

He joined Gwen Stefani, the duo cheered fans on for the performance of their song “No One But You” their home in Oklahoma, Having concluded their cordial surrender of romantic duet, Blake wrapped himself in a sweet send-off, “Say attitude, everyone. We love you.” Realizing that he had mispronounced “stay safe,” the countryman added, “I said,” be safe. “done.

But the fun didn’t stop there. taking Twitter, the Boys’ Round Here singer made fun of herself, writing, “Tell everyone Stace … Tell Stace ..” Gwen also thought the moment was created for a good description as well. “#saysace,” she shared further Instagram post, along with a snippet of Blake’s new slogan.

Before the whole Say Stace event happened, Blake and Gwen told fans they were behaving and urged viewers to practice social distance after the appearance coronavirus pandemic.

“We are in prison, as are all of you,” the “God of the Earth” singer said. “We … happen to be in Oklahoma, hiding from everyone, doing what we need to do.”

Then things got ridiculous. Blake continued, “And, uh, we’re also doing what everyone else has to do, I think, which is drinking all day long.” Gwen called out, “Not me!” Proving she was in on the joke, the No doubt the front woman then placed a glass of wine on a nearby table.

Also on Our country the composition of the performance was Carrie Underwood. Keith Urban. Kelsea Ballerini. Tim McGraw. Sheryl Crow. Brad Paisley. Luke Bryan and more. Considering what might be 2020, ACZ village stars gathered from their living rooms to celebrate the 55-year history of the Country Music Academy. The awards show will take place on September 16th because of concerns about coronavirus.

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