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Forest fire surrounding radiation unlocked Chernobyl plant started ‘for fun’


A police wildfire surrounding a Chernobyl nuclear power plant that unlocked radiation was triggered ‘for fun’, police say, as a 27-year-old man was arrested for causing a blaze

  • A tumultuous blaze swallowed 250 acres around the plant causing radiation levels to rise
  • A man, 27, arrested for deliberately causing fire and could face up to 5 years in prison
  • Some radiation readings showed radioactivity at almost 5 times the allowable level

A noisy wildfire that swept 250 acres this weekend around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant began “for fun,” police say.

The explosion caused an increase in radiation levels in the exclusion zone, with some readings showing radioactivity almost five times more than allowed.

A 27-year-old man has been arrested today on suspicion of intentionally causing a fire and could face up to five years in prison.

The Ukrainian State Rescue Service said: “Extinguishing difficulties are some areas of increased radiation.”

A police wildfire affecting 250 acres this weekend around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has begun

A police wildfire affecting 250 acres this weekend around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has started “for fun,” police say

The blast caused radiation levels to rise in the exclusion zone with some readings showing radioactivity nearly five times the allowable level

The blast caused radiation levels to rise in the exclusion zone with some readings showing radioactivity nearly five times the allowable level

The fires started with burning grass on farmland.

The blaze then went out of control and engulfed trees in the exclusion zone, reports said.

Two Antonov aircraft (AN-32P) and MI-8 helicopters were used to deliver more than 200 tons of water to the flames.

But the two hotspots remain in the nearly uninhabited 1000 square kilometer exclusion zone.

A 27-year-old man has been arrested today on suspicion of intentionally causing a fire (pictured) and could face up to five years in prison

A 27-year-old man has been arrested today on suspicion of intentionally causing a fire (pictured) and could face up to five years in prison

The Ukrainian State Rescue Service said:

The Ukrainian State Rescue Service said: “Fire fighting problems (pictured) are some areas of increased radiation”

A local law enforcement source said the suspect ‘told police he had lit grass and a litter in three areas.

“Then the wind blew the fire, and the man himself could not put out the fire.”

Viktoria Ruban, a spokeswoman for the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, said: “The investigative team will be working in the Chernobyl area, but preliminary data shows it was caused by a man.”

She confirmed that radiation was above the norm at the epicenter of the fire.

’99 percent of fires in the Chernobyl zone and in the Kiev region are caused by people, ‘she added.

Head of the Ukrainian Environmental Inspection Service Egor Firsov found readings of 2.3 microverts per hour (¿Sv / h) about the outbreak of fire

Head of the Ukrainian Environmental Inspection Service Egor Firsov found readings of 2.3 microsyverts per hour (μSv / h) about the outbreak

The head of the Ukrainian Environmental Inspection Service, Egor Firsov, found readings of 2.3 microsieverts per hour (μSv / h) around the outbreak.

The norm is 0.14 the whole maximum value considered safe is 0.5 μSv / h.

Like most countries, Ukrainian frontline workers are already trying to stem their own coronavirus epidemic, which infected 6,000 and killed 47.

Residents of the nearest city of Kiev were told it was safe to open their windows during the lock.

The 1986 explosion sent a radioactive outburst across Europe exposing millions to dangerous radiation levels.



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