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Tayshia reacted to rumors about her ex-husband and ‘The Bachelorette’


As she sets out on her journey to find love as the new Bachelorette, Tayshia Adams is keen on progressing, rather than reminiscing about her past. November 13, Tayshia has responded to rumors that her ex-husband will appear on The bachelorette with a slew of candid videos on her Instagram Story, telling everyone to “move on” and stop dwelling on their past relationship. “OK, can we just talk about something for a second?” she asked, before vaguely addressing recent reports that her ex, Josh Bourelle, would be reuniting with the Bachelorette in an upcoming reality TV episode.

“Yeah, I’m married, and yeah, I’m divorced, and yeah, now I’m the Bachelorette,” Tayshia said, punctuating her video with a note that said “PSA” at the bottom. “I date 20 men on ABC every week. So the fact that we keep talking about my past relationship three years ago, I don’t understand. I don’t understand.” Tayshia went on to explain that she and Josh had moved on and asked everyone to do the same.

“He lives his life; I live my life. You have a lot of other people who signed up to be researched and talked about. He never signed up,” she said. . “So why not leave him alone and talk about something that really matters?” Honestly, I’m bored with this whole subject. Let’s move on and find something more interesting. She concluded by sharing a video of herself dancing in her living room to “Smile (live my best life)” by Lil Duval to really make it clear that she is doing better than ever.

While Tayshia noted in his story that she spoke” IS! News in particular with his Instagram story, this isn’t the only outlet to report that Josh could be involved in an upcoming Bachelorette episode. Rumors started swirling on November 10, after ABC shared a promo for the season of Tayshia on their official Twitter Account. It featured a voiceover from an unidentified man claiming that “it’s only a matter of time before she realizes the truth” about one of her candidates.

Tik Tok user @bigmoodbayley was discovered that the closed captions on the clip revealed the man to be Josh, implying Tayshia’s ex could make an appearance in the already drama-filled season. While Bourelle has never been spotted at the resort town of Palm Springs where Tayshia season The bachelorette was filmed in August, and neither the show nor ABC itself responded to the rumors, fans noted that the captions were quickly removed from the promo clip shortly after media began to report it. talk.

For his part, Tayshia said Us weekly on November 9 that she hasn’t spoken to her ex-husband since it was first announced like the new Bachelorette, asking that they “just let a girl live.” After meeting in college and dating for six years, the couple got married in February 2016, before filing for divorce in 2017. While she doesn’t want to let her past relationships define her, Tayshia has been open about how her divorce shaped his current view of love and marriage.

During the November 10 episode of The bachelorette, Tayshia shared more information about her divorce during a one-on-one meeting with Brendan, who also divorced. “Divorce is a very big deal,” she told cameras after the couple linked up with their similar experiences. “I thought I was dying when I walked through her, so it was really therapeutic to hear her say all the words from my heart,” [everything] that I have felt over the past two years. I felt like I was not alone. “

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