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Kingdom Hearts actor Quinton Flynn accused of sexual harassment with fans

Kingdom Hearts actor Quinton Flynn accused of sexual harassment with fans
Kingdom Hearts actor Quinton Flynn accused of sexual harassment with fans


Fans shared disturbing exchanges with the voice actor, known for playing Axel in Kingdom Hearts and Raiden in Metal Gear Solid.

When it comes to voicing the cute boys of the iconic video game, Quinton Flynn has made a name for himself. Of beloved Kingdom Hearts anti-hero Axel to Metal Gear Solid‘s Raiden, Flynn’s career has been based on playing effeminate male roles popular with young women.

However, that career could very well end soon, based on worrying allegations against Flynn today. A Twitter account known only as BewareQFlynn shared a small cache of texts, videos and voice clips from the actor, all of which are sexually explicit in nature. In these exchanges, Flynn manipulates, cheats and ghosts women after exercising his status in exchange for sexual favors.

“I would love to meet you,” Flynn told a fan via Instagram. “You’re not just cute, you’re smart and smarter than the average bear. It’s hot. […] PS – more pictures, please (of you who is.) “

“I hope you’ll take a video for me to play with your p *** y,” Flynn wrote another fan via WhatsApp. “God I would love that!”

“I want more videos of you fucking you,” Flynn ordered a fan, who was surprised that this voice actor contacted them.

Even more damning are the audio clips shared by BewareQFlynn, in which the actor asks for sexual favors.

“That says you’re active now” Flynn says in one of the clips. “And I was actively watching your videos. Thinking of you, above me. Alone in my room, making me happy and watching what you wrote, wanting more.”

The full 2 ​​minute download can be streamed below. Be warned – the sound is graphic and disturbing.

Comments on BewareQFlynn’s initial post paint an even darker picture. One user points out how Flynn must get “too personal” when meeting cosplayers; another reminds Flynn’s mastery of his public image, after his support for right-wing fringe figures came to light.

It is difficult to watch and listen to all of this without drawing some grim conclusions. From the available evidence, it seems clear that Flynn is a predator, and that he is eager to exploit his sizable fan base to kick him into it. He’s too close to his fans, he can’t wait to invade personal space, and he controls his public image as a madman at heart. This is no different from Vic Mignogna, another actor famous for playing effeminate male roles as a sexual predator.

One can only hope that Square Enix is ​​made aware of this behavior, and that the gaming giant makes the right decision and replaces it immediately. Then again, they still haven’t done anything for James Woods, so don’t hold your breath.

Many thanks to BewareQFlynn for sharing this story.

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