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Disney Presents Comforting Story To Onward | Culture & Leisure


Disney released its new Disney + movie on Friday; an animated film called Onward. Its release on digital streaming platforms arrived much earlier than expected due to the closure of the COVID-19 pandemic in cinemas around the world.

According to CNN, Onward premiered in theaters on March 6 and was available for purchase on digital streaming platforms two weeks later. The release of last weekend opens the film to an even wider audience.

Set in a world where magic exists, but has simply been forgotten in favor of technology, the film tells of two brothers, Barley and Ian, who set out in search of a day to revive their late father. On Ian’s 16th birthday, the boy’s mother gives them a gift from their father; a magic stick and the spell that will bring it back.

After history buff and magical quest game fanatic Barley try the spell and fail, younger brother Ian tries it out and realizes that he has the magic to perform the spell. But halfway through, he lost control and all that had formed from his father was a pair of legs. The crystal that was the fuel of the spell having disappeared, Barley declares that there is only one thing left to do: go in search of another crystal.

In this quest, the boys face a myriad of once magical entities and seemingly insurmountable obstacles to overcome while dragging their half-reincarnated father’s legs around a dog leash. As one can imagine, this leads to hilarious and comforting scenes.

This film was like the male version of Frozen. Dead parent, a child with magical powers, searches the mind away from home. He focused on the love between two brothers and their special relationship rather than having romantic runs, just as Frozen focused on the love between the sisters Elsa and Anna.

However, Onward even took the concept even further by making the mother and stepfather loyal to the children. It teaches a precious lesson to children who can watch the film on the importance of family, and that sometimes your family supports you in a way that you did not realize at first.

Children will suffer losses in their lives, and it is good to present these concepts to them in secondary forms such as movies. This film managed to approach this subject positively and tactfully by already killing the father before the start of the film. They capture the sadness felt by his sons without having a tragic, potentially scarring or triggering scene in which he dies.

A secondary theme of the film is more aimed at adults. The film seems to be a sweet satire of the technological era in which we live. An opening scene shows a character running inside to activate the light switch controlling the new bulb instead of staying outside to practice magic. The narration describes how the world found a simpler way out of it because the magic was not easy to master.

Throughout the film, the magic characters are confronted with the neglect of their magic powers or objectives. This critical vision of our world is artfully woven into the history of adventure, giving children and adults something to keep them interested.

Evaluation: 4/5

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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