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"I'm coming for your wig"


Nene Leakes shoots left and right at her co-stars of Real Atlanta housewives. "Atlanta's tastiest peach" had a difficult season as it became a stranger. Over the past season, Leakes has felt betrayed by Cynthia Bailey and things between them have been difficult since. The star of Bravo with whom Leakes has the most drama is Kenya Moore. Leakes is preparing for the reunion of season 12 and promises an explosive.

Nene Leakes
Nene Leakes | Charles Sykes / Bravo / NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

"These girls, they will understand, let me tell you. It's not a threat, it's a promise, "teased Leakes in an interview with People.

Leakes promises not to descend without fighting and these ladies who come for his crown are going to have to first cross his fiery self.

"I'm going to be beaten from head to toe while I'm doing it, sitting there with a full face, a wig, a dress, such high heels, looking fabulous and tearing down the house," Leakes continued. I'm going to get these girls and do it very well and walk right away and sleep very well. Is my money on my account? Thank you. The queen is there, you can never wear the crown. They all wear tiaras.

During the season 11 reunion, Leakes was quieter than usual. She explained that Bailey's betrayal left her stunned and without words. This time things will be very different.

It will never happen again, she added. Throughout the season, these girls have had an unpleasant thing to say about me. They participated in their interviews and literally tried to roast me. All! And do you really expect me to tell you nothing? Do you really think I am this girl? I lay down a bit, but now I'm coming to get your wig. You're never going to talk to me and I don't think you're going to get it back.

Nene Leakes and Kenya Moore have reached a boiling point

the RHOA the reunion will surely be taken up by the quarrel between Leakes and Moore. During the last episode of the Bravo reality series, it was revealed that Marc Daly and Moore had decided to separate. Leakes had no sympathy for what Moore was going through and even said that she deserved it.

Her karma, said LeakesPeoplein a separate interview. What is happening is coming back, and Kenya has had this coming.

The leaks evoked Moore's story by interfering in the marriages of others.

She has interfered with other girls over this relationship, added Leakes. Years ago, when (Phaedra Parks) was married to (Apollo Nida), Kenya was playing with the whole situation. And then this year, she brings another woman in front (Tanya Sam), saying that Tanyas' man (Paul Judge) cheated, trying to do something about their relationship. In addition, she had discussed me and my relationship in the past. So now that your relationship has collapsed? Well. You deserved it.

the RHOA the reunion should turn in the coming weeks. Real Atlanta housewivesbroadcast on Sunday evening at 8 p.m. ET on Bravo.

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