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The Batman launches Teen Wolf Twins Max and Charlie Carver in mysterious roles


The list of actors for The Batmanhas expanded once again – this time adding twins Max and Charlie Carver in mystery roles. Directed and co-written by Matt Reeves, the long-awaited release of DCEU will bring The Caped Crusader back to its earliest days. While avoiding the well-worn original story, Bruce Wayne will not yet have become the greatest detective in the world. He succeeds Ben Affleck, who played the last role in Justice League, it was announced earlier in the year that Robert Pattinson would play Bruce Wayne. The Batman would be based on The Long Halloween story, and, as such, will feature a multitude of supporting characters and villains.

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A number of these roles have been officially assigned in recent months. Amid fan praise, Zoe Kravitz has been announced to play Catwoman. The role of Commissioner Gordon will be played by Westworldit's Jeffrey Wright. For a while, it turned out that Jonah Hill would represent a main villain. In the end, however, Paul Dano landed the role of The Riddler and Colin Farrell was confirmed to play The Penguin. Bruce Wayne's butler and trusted ally, Alfred Pennyworth, will be played by Andy Serkis. Although an appearance of Robin has apparently been debunked, there will no doubt be many casting revelations that fans are eagerly awaiting and speculating in the months to come.

Related: Robert Pattinson's Batman Already Prays His Doubters Are Wrong

According to the locals AV Club, fans officially received two for the price of one on this front – with the Carver twins. Max and Charlie have worked a lot side by side over the years, playing together in such remarkable series as Desperate housewives and Leftovers. They are probably best known, however, for their tricks as rival redwolves Aiden and Ethan on Teen wolf. They have also worked separately in recent years. Max recently appeared in Fist fight and a production of The dream of a summer night. Charlie, meanwhile, filmed several episodes of the upcoming Ryan Murphy series Ratched and will appear in The boys in the group. As such, The Batman will mark their first cinematographic work together since 2018.

Max and Charlie Carver as Aiden and Ethan Tyler Posey as Scott McCall Teen Wolf

Shooting on The Batman has been underway in the UK for the past month – with a plethora of photos and videos emerging from the mix. One of these videos provided a complete overview of the Batman and Batcycle costume used as a chase sequence was filmed in a cemetery. What all of this means in terms of the film's plot, however, has remained largely hidden. The same goes for the casting of the film. Although Peter Sarsgaard is listed as playing D.A. Gil Colson, many still theorize that he will appear under the name of Harvey Dent (alias. Two-Face).

This same kind of fervent speculation will no doubt emerge in response to this latest cast. There are, of course, a number of twins in the DC comics universe. The first thought of many will undoubtedly be a version half replaced by the genre of the Wonder Twins. Especially since their Teen wolf the characters had unique powers activated by contact with each other. It is unlikely, however, that past mistakes of the DCEU will be repeated and that the level of world-building will be highlighted. Since the new take will be a more urban affair, the Trigger Twins are a much more natural option. Likewise, if Two-Face ends up playing a role in The Batman, they could also easily play his infamous henchman Max and Min.

More: The Batman: Everything We Know About Robert Pattinson's Bruce Wayne

Key release dates

  • Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)Release Date: June 05, 2020
  • The Batman (2021)Release Date: June 25, 2021
  • The Suicide Squad (2021)Release date: 06 August 2021
  • Black adam (2021)Release Date: Dec 22, 2021
  • Shazam 2 (2022)Release Date: Apr 01, 2022
  • DC Super Pets (2022)Release Date: May 20, 2022
  • The Flash (2022)Release Date: Jul 01, 2022
  • Aquaman 2 (2022)Release Date: Dec 16, 2022

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