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From Egyptian pop to Indian Bollywood, R3HAB tastes the sound flavors of the world – Spotify


These days, the Dutch house producer R3HAB look beyond borders and across the seas for inspiration.

His songs generally fit well with those of his fellow Dutch DJs like Afrojack and Hardwell, delivering pulsating beats with a pop touch. But recently, he teamed up with an Egyptian superstar force further south Amr Diab, whose warm and lively croon sails on brilliant synths and a Dutch noise syncopated on aremix success of Diabs 2019 Youm Talat.

Mixing music from different cultures is often easier said than done, but for R3HAB, this and other recent globetrotting collaborations have come naturally. I love the Middle East. I love Southeast Asia. I love India. I love food, I love culture, I love people, says 33-year-old DJ and producer For memory. I always listen to all types of music, so it doesn’t matter where it comes from. Spotify is boosting that with their music playlists from around the world. I just turn them on and I don’t try to put what I hear in a box. R3HAB’s appetite for music from around the world is fully displayed in its new collaborative tracka cover from Radiohead song To slide with DJ / producer / remixer GATTSO. Their creative vision of classic rock is the first Mint Singles, a spin-off from the popular Spotify Singles series and companion to our flagship dance playlist, mint.

Born Fadil El Ghoul, R3HAB grew up in the city of Breda, in the south of the Netherlands, where Hardwell also grew up. Dutch house has long had an eclectic sequenceAfrojacks Moombah remix was the source code for the bizarre mergers of moombahton, after all. And R3HAB takes its own fluid approach to dance music, borrowing and reinventing at will.

But he reached a whole new level of cultural engagement when he played last year at MDL Beast, a massive music festival in Riyadh where R3HAB delivered breathtaking shows. Tens of thousands of fans sang as he prepared remixes and rhythms for Egyptian stars Mohamed Hamaki and the Saudi legend Rabeh Saqer.

Diab also appeared on stage at MDL Beast, where he and R3HAB released the remix of Youm Talat. R3HAB loved the idea of ​​working with the Great egyptian; his mom is a big fan, and he made an indelible mark on pop music from Cairo to Times Square. Diab contacted R3HAB before the Riyadh festival, sending him the studio recordings of the track and other songs so that the young artist could reconstruct them as remixes.

The original Youm Talat bursts with Diabs Mediterranean rhythms and words of love sung in Egyptian dialect. On the remix, R3HAB retains the voice of Diabs always recognizable to any fan of Arab pop, but exchanges the Andalusian accordion and the rhythm of the Cairo festival for a soft and silky sound adapted to the rush hours of a dancing evening late evening. We made a totally new version with a totally different feel, and he liked it so much, says R3HAB. Currently working on more music now.

In addition to reworking the music of Diabs, R3HAB recently partnered with an Indian songwriter Qaran Mehta record Ki Kehna, a nightclub ballad that combines the Dutch house with the swooning Bollywood pop. His projects like these that set R3HAB apart as a global innovator.

R3HAB is a very talented DJ and producer, building his career very well in recent years, says Wilbert Mutsaers, Spotify Head of Music Benelux. In our opinion, he is one of the most hardworking, friendly and motivated DJs in the Netherlands that we know, and he is also very actively involved in promoting his own music and collaborations.

Indeed, wherever R3HAB is, he is always hungry for new sounds and new collaborators. It’s actually similar to my food, he says. I like to taste all the cuisines from around the world.

Play Spotifys flagship dance playlist, mint, hear R3HABthe sand GATTSOs new remix of Radiohead classic To slide.

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