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Treasure Hunters: Locals set up in search of safe entertainment


Isolated in Powell, Corey Zeilmann wanted to get his family out for fun and exercise while practicing social distance. When a four-member family found a hidden treasure near an ancient stone carving outside Cody, the hunt was underway.

“I didn’t know there were petroglyphs near Cody,” he said as he waved a large trunk from the back of a family SUV. “It took us all day to find him,” he said.

Since then, Zeilmann has been leading his family to several locations, seeking treasure and learning about the history of Park County. The first treasure they found was hidden by Cody’s Joe Kondelis, who lost his job while “quarantining himself” and looking for fun outdoor activities.

“I read on social media about everyone being scared, stuck in their house and everyone kind of going crazy,” Kondelis said. “I thought there were so many cool things out there. I was like, ‘I’m just going in for a treasure hunt.’

He thought maybe a few of his close friends might be “jumping in” to some fun, so on March 22 he started a Facebook group called COVID-19 Treasure Hunt. Initially, he hid some money and hard-to-reach household supplies – making sure you clean everything well for good, clean fun.

“I kind of wanted people to get some money to spend around town at local businesses in Cody and Powell,” Kondelis said.

Within days of hiding the first treasure, hundreds of people joined his group and began hiding their treasure across the Great Horn Basin. It now has more than 700 members.

“She has taken her own life in some way,” said Kondelis of the group. “I hid only one other treasure. Now we have one or two hunts a day. People are really jumping on board,” he said.

When the Zeilmann and Lydic families found Kondelis’s treasure, which included $ 250 in Ulysses S. Grant face-down banknotes, they took one of the banknotes and left the rest hidden for others to find. Another lucky treasure hunter took some money and immediately headed to Libations, a liquor store in Cody. While mentioned there, the Kondelis Hunt financed shopping to the grocery store. The store manager, Juli Hinze, worked at the window and she happens to be Kondelis’s neighbor. Hinze loved the idea and offered rewards to help continue the hunt.

“I think this is such a cool idea,” Hinze said. “I told him [Kondelis] A “good deal” for thinking about how to get people out and offer to donate some gift cards. “

As hunting became more and more popular, other businesses began to get involved. Prizes were hidden in places that forced people to learn something about the history and natural wonders of the Pool.

“I thought if people came out and saw this, they would really appreciate it,” Kondelis said. “Even if they didn’t get the treasure, they would find the petroglyphs south of Cody, who have been looking for me forever. I like it, maybe some people will go out and see spots they’ve never seen before and have fun while doing it.”

This is exactly what Zeilmann and his family needed. When worrying about COVID-19 began to shut down irrelevant businesses, Zeilmann lost his new job as a chef at a restaurant in Powell. He worries about his family’s future, but decides to take the time to develop stronger family relationships instead of letting go of anxiety.

“I’ve been busy since being fired up to do things with the kids,” he said. “We deal with treasure everyday. We built a new fence in the backyard and had more time for families. It was great.”

The family wanted to share the fun, but they knew that many couldn’t go out of town on long trips. “What about young children? What about families in Powell who may not have cars or time to drive?” Zeilmann said. “So we decided to make one within the city limits.”

They assembled a whole treasure chest – some of which were donated by area businesses – left marks online and sat back to watch the party. Many others have done the same.

“They bring people out, but at the same time they will be sure of how far they are kept from others,” said Alyssa Lydic, Zeilmann’s partner. “We can still be active, but safe.”

Safety is important for Kondelis. Not only has he rehabilitated his treasures, he also wants to make sure he doesn’t endanger people in the landscape.

“I was thinking of putting him on the west side of Cody,” he said, “but as we’ve been biting the bear this season, I’ve been like that. I don’t want people to walk without a bear.”

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