10 Bollywood actors who would perfectly personify these iconic toons on the big screen

Nothing makes us more nostalgic than reliving those simple childhood days, when our biggest concerns would be missing our favorite shows and toons on screen. Some characters still have lasting memories and hold a special place in our hearts forever, reminding us of our childhoods we cherish so deeply.
Another obsession that we all remember fondly was that of Bollywood actors, which is frankly carried over when we are adults too. In a beautiful amalgamation of two of our favorite childhood fixations, we imagined which Bollywood actors would bring our anime buddies to life perfectly!
Here are 10 Bollywood actors who we think would do these popular anime characters justice.
Ranbir Kapoor as Pinaki from Bhoot Bandhus

Considering Ranbir Kapoors ‘aptitude for playing eccentric and eclectic characters, he would be the perfect choice to play Pinaki in Nickelodeon Indias’ latest IP, Bhoot Bandhus. It would be fascinating to see him bring Pinakis’ unique charm and childish mischief to life on the big screen!
Shahid Kapoor as happy of Bhoot Bandhus

If there’s anyone who could pull off the friendly Happy Ghost, it’s Shahid Kapoor. The mad, energetic Bhoot is a brother figure to Pinaki, and we think Shahid and Ranbir would work together like a house on fire! Plus, his impeccable fashion sense is proof that he would pull off rock star Happys’ loose outfits.
Anupam Kher as Motu from Motu Patlu

Anupam Kher was one of the cutest and most comedic stars of her generation. We think the actor would be the best match to play Motu with his shared charm and fun sense of humor that both make him one of the most beloved characters on screen.
Amitabh Bachchan as Patlu from Motu Patlu

Best known for his tall, dark, and handsome persona, Amitabh Bachchan would be the perfect Patlu counterpart of the goofy Motu. While the look is certainly different for the glamorous star, it would most certainly rock Patlus’ bald avatar with grace.
Ayushmann Khurana as Gopal of Golmaal Jr

There is no doubt that Ajay Devgn plays the character of Gopal in the film in a spectacular fashion, however, he wonders if it wasn’t Ajay Devgn who from Bollywood would play the characters seamlessly. We think it can be Ayushmann Khurrana as he has boyish charm and immense versatility as one of the best performers in Bollywood Ayushmann would be the best candidate to bring Gopal to life.
Siddhant Chaturvedi as Madhav of Golmaal Jr.

As well as sharing a delicious camaraderie with his counterpart Madhav, Siddhant Chaturvedi has the exact spirits and charisma of this iconic character. We can’t imagine what magic these two would create with action king Rohit Shetty, the creator of this exciting cartoon series.
Salman Khan as Chota Bheem in Chota Bheem

Chota Bheem has been a major source of joy for many of us during the precious formative years of our lives. We need an exceptionally enigmatic actor to accompany the legendary cartoon character. With their bulging biceps and charitable manners, they are a perfect match.
Alia Bhatt as Chukti in Chota Bheem

Adorable, brave and endearing, we loved seeing Alia Bhatt perfectly as the female protagonist of the famous cartoon series. We love to see the crackling chemistry between these two acting powers!
Ranveer Singh as Flynn Rider from Tangled

From their enthusiastic personalities to the same mischievous smile, there is no one more apt to play the thief with a heart of gold. Seeing him bring the character alive would definitely be a treat!
Priyanka Chopra as Jasmine

Romance, comedy, drama, can’t Priyanka Chopra do anything? We were convinced that, given the great variety of characters that the brilliant actor tried out, she would bring the superhuman cartoon’s portrayal to life.
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