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Bollywood explores horror comedy with a new-age twist


Bollywood explores horror comedy with a new-age twist
Mumbai, November 21 (SocialNews.XYZ) Moving away from mainstream horror, Bollywood has been heating up lately at the idea of ​​serving up scares with a little humor. Horror comedy as a genre is suddenly in vogue among mainstream Hindi filmmakers.

The genre has existed in the Hindi film industry for centuries – the old classic “Bhoot Bangla” and recent releases such as “Bhul Bhulaiyaa”, “Bhootnath”, “Go Goa Gone” and “Stree” come to mind . These films, however, were unique cases. What is happening now is that Bollywood filmmakers have suddenly taken an interest in the horror comedy genre in a way that it seems like the genre is here to stay. Importantly, the new crop of movies serves up the fun scares with a new-age spin and message.

IANS is watching a few horror comedy movies that are all set to hit the screens.

“Bhoot Police”

The film stars Saif Ali Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Yami Gautam and Arjun Kapoor. The film, which for the first time sees the actors sharing screen space, is directed by Pawan Kripalani, who is known for having directed thrillers like “Phobia” and “Ragini MMS”. Not much is known about the film, but it is shot at various hill stations such as Dalhousie and Dharamshala.

“Phone Bhoot”

Katrina Kaif, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ishaan Khatter reunite in “Phone Bhoot”. It is slated for a 2021 release. The film is produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar, and directed by Gurmeet Singh. Details relating to the film are still under wraps.


This film will also see the new couple of Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor. “RoohiAfza” also features Varun Sharma in a key role. The film, produced by Dinesh Vijan and Mrighdeep Singh Lamba and directed by debutant Hardik Mehta, also stars Varun Sharma. It should be released on March 20, 2020. This will be Rajkummar’s third collaboration with Dinesh Vijan after “Stree” and “Made in China”.


Akshay Kumar star “Laxmii” was released earlier this month. The horror comedy is a remake of the Tamil blockbuster “Muni 2: Kanchana”. Raghava Lawrence, who helmed the original, is also directing the Bollywood remake starring Kiara Advani, Tusshar Kapoor, Sharad Kelkar and Ashwini Kalsekar. The film received an overwhelming response among the masses.

Source: IANS

Bollywood explores horror comedy with a new-age twist

About Gopi

Gopi Adusumilli is a programmer. He is editor-in-chief of SocialNews.XYZ and president of AGK Fire Inc.

He enjoys designing websites, developing mobile apps and posting news articles from a variety of authenticated news sources.

When it comes to writing, he enjoys writing about current world politics and Indian films. His future plans include the development of SocialNews.XYZ into a news website that has no prejudices or judgments towards any.

He can be contacted at [email protected]

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