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Is there a new episode of Saturday Night Live Tonight?


NBC’s live-action comedy series Saturday Night Live kicked off Season 46 with six new episodes in a row – but will tonight’s episode be new or rerun?

It’s been a busy week for politics, but will there be a new episode of the NBC comedy series? Saturday Night Live to give a humorous twist to the news? SNL Season 46 featured Jim Carrey as now President-elect Joe Biden alongside Maya Rudolph as his vice-president Kamala Harris for the first time in time to castigate the preparations for the 2020 presidential election.

Saturday Night Live has had its work cut out for keeping up with real-world politics, which is often even wilder than a sketch of comedy. The latest new episode aired on November 7, hosted by Dave Chappelle, with the writers and cast having a very tight turnaround time to respond to the election declared in favor of Biden hours earlier. Since then, President Donald Trump has refused to accept the election results or concede to Biden, instead launching a seemingly desperate legal campaign to try to change the balance of votes in the battlefield states.

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It is typical for Saturday Night Live to take regular breaks throughout each season, and the current break should continue, as there is no new episode of Saturday Night Live on NBC tonight. Instead, there will be two rerun episodes: one from 2013 with Kerry Washington as host and Eminem as musical guest at 10 p.m. ET / 9 p.m. CT; and the October 10, 2020 episode hosted by Bill Burr with musical guest Jack White in the show’s regular time slot of 11:30 p.m. ET / 10:30 p.m. CT.

Bill Burr SNL

Saturday Night Live doesn’t typically air more than three episodes in a row without a break, but an exception was made with the first six episodes of Season 46, in order to capitalize on the rise of the election. The break is expected to continue next week, as the SNL the cast and crew usually take Thanksgiving weekend off. The next new episode of Saturday Night Live will likely arrive on Saturday December 5th.

Following the announcement of the election results, Donald Trump actor Alec Baldwin said: “I don’t think I’ve ever been so thrilled to lose a job before!“His off-screen counterpart, however, is not so happy with the outcome of the election. The state of US politics is currently full of weirdness and spectacle, and that is unlikely to change before that. Saturday Night Live returns with the next new episode.

More: SNL: Jim Carrey’s Biden vs. Alec Baldwin’s Trump – Which Is Better?

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