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The Walking Dead: bonus episode teaser shows first look at Lucille


The latest production preview of Walking Deads finally gave us our first major glimpse of Lucille Negans’ hapless wife.

In the upcoming bonus episodes of the apocalypse drama, Lucille (Hilarie Burton) and her tragic backstory with her husband (Jeffrey Dean Morgan).

Played by the real-life husband / wife duo, a real glimpse into how Negan came to be the twisted vengeful leader will be shown for the first time.

We already know that Lucille had pancreatic cancer before the zombie outbreak, but was later revived, leaving Negan devastated.

But the truth is about to come out, has the Reformed leader told us everything, or has he been hiding something even more heartbreaking?

In the clip, a dizzy-looking Lucille is seen in a bobbed wig, and glowing gazes as she begins to succumb to her illness.

walking dead lucille

What else is there to know about Lucille? (Photo: Fox)

Negan is then seen with a sad look in his eyes, as he probably winks at her.

While the teaser only shows Lucille for a second, we know it’ll be worth the wait.

Negan has plenty to do as he continues to reform his bad manners (Image: Fox)

The Flicker of What’s to Come is part of a six-part bonus episode series, which fans will love between seasons 10 and 11.

The episodes will also mark a catch-up with Maggie (Lauren Cohan) explaining where she was after leaving Alexandria and the people she met along the way.

A synopsis for all episodes reads: We find our survivors trying to get up by their bootstraps after the destruction the Whisperers left in their wake.

Years of struggle weigh on them as traumas from the past surface, exposing their most vulnerable sides.

By questioning the state of humanity, the state of their collective community and the state of their minds, will they find the inner strength to persevere with their lives, friendships and group intact?

The Walking Dead returns February 28 on AMC and Fox.

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