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Cork actor brings Shakespeare to life


The actor and director of the CORK-BASED theater company Marcus Bale has a Shakespearean lead role to play: Macbeth.

I love playing this character, he says. Mystery, the supernatural, violence, sadness. The character is written like a pressure cooker. Everything is contained and contained and contained in it, and you can see madness or detachment from reality coming, then everything comes out. As an actor, it's incredibly satisfying.

Bale has spent the past decade bringing these characters to life for high school classes with his theater company Cyclone Rep.

Partly lesson, partly deconstruction, partly theater, the company's Shakespeare sessions shorten the pieces studied by students of the Junior Cert and Leaving Cert and add humor, insight and a modern lens through which we can see the 500 years of William Shakespeare.

Although Cyclone Rep was founded by Peadar Donohoe, theater coach at the CIT Cork School of Music, in the late 1990s the company went into theater in education with the development of the first session of Shakespeare in 2009.

In 2004, the Cork Opera House brought us in as an in-house company to make Shakespeare for high school students, he says.

When the opera house closed briefly in 2009, we found ourselves out of work, but we had the experience and the contacts and we knew what we were doing, so we decided to take it to a different level.

We asked teachers what it would improve, and they said more analysis and insight on the characters, and the ways to engage students.

The cyclone representative now travels the country and presents Shakespeare sessions on the 3rd, 5th and 6th year programs; this year, they do Hamlet and King Lear for the senior cycle, and Romeo and Juliet and Le Marchand de Venise for the junior cycle.

Bale studied theater in his native Argentina before coming to Cork to study folklore at the UCC just before the South American economic crisis of 2001.

I've been doing this for so many years that my priorities as an actor have changed. Now, after all these years, what I understand is that the role of youth theater is so vital.

If a young person arrives for the first time and has a great experience, you are making a small change in his inner life, he says. They enter the theater all unsure and unsure of what to expect, and they are entertained. You want them to roar, then the next moment to be completely silent, not because someone told them to be quiet: because they are so submerged.

Each of the plays also gives actors the opportunity to explore contemporary issues and the universality and timelessness of Shakespeares' work When we do the merchant of Venice, we were talking about prejudice and racism, says Bale. In Romeo and Juliet, we deal with quarrels and hatred between families, and the harsh theme of love between young people. In each piece, we think about how to make it relevant.

Shylock says: Doesn't he have the eyes of a Jew? but you could say, does not have the eyes of a Muslim, or does not have the eyes of a gay person. Being treated differently is something that a lot of people can relate to.

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the company, more than 30,000 young people come every year to see Cyclone Rep productions in the towns and villages of Ireland. He is a figure who is not a small source of pride for Bale and his colleagues in the company.

We have people coming for their Leaving Cert who remember us from their Junior Cert, says the actor. You have generations of students coming. 30,000 people see us every year, and we want them all to have an experience that will travel with them as they grow up and change their perception of what theater is.

Cyclone Rep is currently performing at the Corks Everyman Theater until March 6.

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