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Will Van Wezel receive a bailout?

Will Van Wezel receive a bailout?
Will Van Wezel receive a bailout?


News of the day

MONDAY 14 DEC 2020

Sarasota Mayor Hagen Brody sent letters to the two U.S. senators in Florida on Friday asking for support in the upcoming coronavirus relief program for public entertainment venues. The request comes as the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall continues to struggle financially after most programs have been canceled this year.

“The two new bills on the horizon offering relief to public places would be vital in supporting this theater,” Brody writes in letters to Sen. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott. “The hall’s beloved main stage productions have been closed since March 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic took center stage, and around 70% of theater staff have been fired or lost. their employment accordingly.

The remaining staff, many of whom are working reduced hours, continue to provide programming, be it digital programming, such as the streaming of Broadway-related vacation shows. Outside Activities.

“Their resilience is remarkable, but funding is needed to keep this institution alive as we look to the future for a safe reopening of the main hall,” said Brody.

In Washington, the House and Senate struggled for months to reach agreement on another round of relief, with costs being a major obstacle between the Republican-led Senate and the Democratic-controlled House. The chambers appear to have settled at a price of around $ 908 billion. But one of the sticking points seems to be that the House wants funding for local governments. The Senate is reluctant to do so.

Scott in particular said it was a mistake to bail out state and local governments that suffered only because trade restrictions put in place reduced revenues. In places without restrictions, the collections were not so badly affected. “Projected state and local government revenue shortfalls due to the coronavirus have not materialized – which is a good thing,” Scott said earlier this month. But he directed those comments primarily to metropolitan cities and blue states like Michigan and New York which have extended lockdown regulations for a much longer period than Florida.

None of the Florida Republican senators spoke specifically about supporting public sites, which received no bailout funding in the first CARES package, while private sites could participate in federal programs to help businesses.

Congress has just passed a spending bill, signed by President Donald Trump, that avoids shutting down the government for a week. This indicates that lawmakers intend to strike a final deal this week and decide which entities will receive federal relief funding in the future.

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